6 Keys to Praying Prophetically

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Kathy Gray

Here's how to turn your prayer into a missile launched against the enemy's purposes.

We must give ourselves to prophetic intercession to meet the urgency of the hour we are living in. Here are my helps to keep the prophetic flowing in your life:

Ready yourself. Believe and be filled with the enabling of God’s Holy Spirit and develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit too!

Get the Word of God in you. His Word is the expression of His will. Revelation 19:10 tells us the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy! Sing it and speak it, and you’ll keep the prophetic flowing.

Treasure the people you are praying for and have the right motives for the prophetic to move through your life. When I sing prophetically, I want to sing something that will set someone free.

Aim. Get specific with your prayers. Ask God for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so you can see what’s coming or what needs spiritual attention now.

Learn to see things in the spiritual realm. Elisha asked God to open the eyes of his servant so he could see the chariots of God. There are more with us than against us.

Fire. Launch your prayers with faith and with God’s Word. Those bullets will never return to you empty or void.

As you move in prophetic intercession, keep your heart clean for God to pour through. Let the Holy Spirit convict you, and respond to His conviction. Together, let us arise and cry out for the advancement of God’s kingdom on the Earth! {eoa}

Kathy Gray is co-pastor of World Revival Church in Kansas City. Gray is an author and dynamic speaker having served in the ministry for over 30 years.

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