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Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit Stands the Test of Time

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Jared Laskey

Read Time: 2 Minutes 55 Seconds

God loves to give His children gifts! He loves you so much that He gave you His precious Holy Spirit who fills you at the moment of salvation.

But also, Jesus will baptize you with His Holy Spirit to empower you to tell others about Him.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were several revival movements that left their mark on the nations. One of these revivals, known as the Azusa Street Revival, birthed the modern-day Pentecostal and charismatic movements. The baptism with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues was distributed by Jesus to millions of people.

Unfortunately, many thought that once a person was baptized with the Holy Spirit, then that was it. They had “arrived” in a sense. However, the baptism with the Holy Spirit is a doorway into more of God. More of His presence, more of His grace, more of His favor and more of His spiritual gifts.

And for some reason a number of the Christian organizations formed with spiritual roots in the Pentecostal movement have gone on another course and are straying away from the baptism with the Holy Spirit leaving them powerless. They’ve become more data driven or are trying to be part of the latest spiritual trends.

But these trends only last a short period of time before being replaced with newer gadgets and updates. I need you to read this: The baptism with the Holy Spirit will stand the test of time, and is more important to empower you and your church than anything else being offered.

The world needs revival! And that starts in the church. And the church must be empowered which starts by being baptized with the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit was poured out, the disciples receiving the promise of the Father as Jesus, the Baptizer with the Spirit, empowered them to testify about them. The birth of the church came with power as 3000 people came to know Him as Lord and Savior. And through the following years, despite persecution, the disciples were used by God in power seeing people healed, filled with the Spirit, saved and sent out to change the world for God’s glory.

We need that today. You may need to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit and be empowered. Life will still happen with its ups and downs, but through it you will have the power of God within you no matter what. If you need the baptism with the Holy Spirit, set aside time to ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit. Worship Him and hold on to the promise that the gift of the Spirit is for you, today (read Acts 2:38-39).

Then as you worship Him, while focusing on Jesus, ask Him to baptize you with His precious Holy Spirit. Then receive from Him as you worship, and as a syllable or phrase or sound comes to your mind or spiritual ears, speak it out and repeat it over and over. Speak it loud enough for you to hear yourself.

Continue to speak it out as you are enabled by the Spirit. You do the speaking as the Holy Spirit does the enabling. Let the power of God flow through you and receive the baptism with the Spirit for however long it take you. Then pray in this spiritual language daily.

Now you are empowered and have entered into the more of God to live out the Spirit filled life.

Listen to “Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey” podcast episode, ‘The Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues,’ available on Charisma, Apple, Spotify, Google, Libsyn and anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Jared and Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry at firebornministries.com. They also have e-courses such as “Entry Level Prophecy,” “The Last Days,” “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit” and more on charismacourses.com, and the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, available on the Charisma Podcast Network and anywhere you listen to podcasts.

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