What Makes You Happy?

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Charisma Staff

I had to laugh when I
read this USA Today newspaper headline: “Psychologists now know what
makes people happy.” I didn’t know happiness was a secret to be discovered
by my noble profession! Curious, I kept reading. What were these exciting
new findings?

If you are a student of the Bible, you won’t be surprised.
Research only validates God’s way of doing things.

  1. The happiest people are those who spend the least time alone and pursue
    intimacy and personal growth. When I read this, I immediately thought of Jesus.
    He was proactive when it came to community. He poured His life into a faithful
    band of followers and developed an intimate circle of 12 men. And through those
    men, He established the church. The early church was all about community,
    intimacy and personal growth.

  2. Happy people don’t judge themselves by what others do or have. That is, they
    don’t compare themselves with others. The Bible is clear that we are not to
    measure ourselves by the yardstick of others, only by the Word of God. As we
    obey God’s Word and choose to please Him, blessing and contentment

  3. Materialism is toxic for happiness. The parable of the rich young
    ruler in Matthew bears this out. Despite this man’s riches, he wanted something
    more—eternal life. Jesus stressed the importance of keeping the commandments but
    told him something more was required. He must sell his possessions and follow
    Him. Sadly, the young man chose material possessions over Christ and walked away
    feeling “sorrowful.”

  4. Optimism is important, even in dark times. Because of Christ, hope abounds.
    Jeremiah 32:17 proclaims, “‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and
    the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard
    for You'” (NKJV). In the last chapter of Job, after Job suffers much and has
    been tested, he cries out, “‘I know that You can do everything, and that no
    purpose of Yours can be withheld from You'” (Job 42:2). Over and over, we are
    given biblical examples of people who refused to be downtrodden because of
    circumstances or events. Their hope was in the Lord. The end result is rest and

  5. Actions matter. It’s not just what you believe or your outlook on life that
    contributes to happiness. People who give to others and aren’t
    self-absorbed are more satisfied with life. No surprise here. God gave
    His only begotten Son, the ultimate sacrificial gift. Giving is a biblical
    principle whether it involves finances, service, food, shelter, time or talent.
    The result of giving is blessing.

  6. Happy people know their strengths and use them. We are stewards of God’s
    gifts and are to use them for His glory. When you move in those gifts and do
    what God has equipped you to do, you are happy. Psychologists call this moving
    in the “flow.” People of faith “flow” in the Spirit.

  7. People who feel gratitude are happy. We are eternally grateful for Jesus and
    His sacrifice and for all God has done in our lives. Out of that genuine
    gratitude flows happiness.

  8. The strongest link to happiness is a willingness to forgive others.
    The benefits of forgiveness are well documented psychologically. And for the
    believer, forgiveness is not an option; it is a command from Jesus. We forgive
    others because He forgave us.

The search for happiness will fall
short if it doesn’t lead to the One in whom contentment can be found. Authentic
happiness is unrelated to events, money, power, fame or anything else our
culture associates it with. Happiness is a choice, as the Scriptures declare:
“Happy are the people who are in such a state. Happy are the people whose God is
the Lord” (Ps. 144:15).

This new year, make it a goal to choose happiness
by following the guidelines above. Look to God for your satisfaction and learn
to trust in His sovereignty and omniscience. Obey Him and believe that He works
all things for your good. Remember, His joy is available to you, and it is that
which gives you strength.

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