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Top of the Week: Glenn Beck: ‘Nefarious’ Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus

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Charisma Media Staff

Following are snippets of the top stories posted on charismamag.com over the past week. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Glenn Beck: ‘Nefarious’ Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus

The topic of deliverance ministry has been, thankfully, brought back into the limelight of modern Christianity.

Many Christians today have the misfortune of no longer believing in the power of demonic forces or, I believe, that by simply saying they are a Christian that they have nothing to fear from the devil.

This could not be further from the truth. We have been watching the fundamental transformation of America for some time now, and I cannot say that I am surprised it has happened.

The 3 Wars of the Apocalypse Are Getting Dangerously Close

“It could be a disaster of epic proportions. It could be the perfect storm.” – Christopher McDonald in a scene from the movie, “The Perfect Storm.”

Unless you have been hiding in a cave or underground for the past few months, or even weeks, you know that the propensity for major wars in many parts of the globe is happening. Iran has already “kickstarted” a multi-front Middle East war against Israel. News reports have it that Iran has already begun enriching uranium close to weapons-grade levels, according to a report released by the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

Charisma News also did a recent piece on the “Unholy Alliances” forming between China, Russian and Iran.

Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Warnings for Christians Worldwide

As the United States continues to reel from the recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, the question remains whether there was a catalyst that helped put these nefarious plans of a mentally ill young woman into action?

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn shares the reasons he believes are causing not only the Covenant School shooting, but increased persecution of Christians around the world.

As the mainstream American media appeared to blame Christians—the victims—for this heinous act of terrorism, without even mentioning that the shooter was transgender, Cahn reveals the subtle ways that the transgender movement has been radicalized to not only hate Christians, but commit acts of violence against them.

Swallow Hard, Die to Your Fars and Speak With Courage

Last week I was the guest speaker for the Monday morning chapel at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas. It was a few days before Easter, so I could have shared a nice devotional message about the resurrection of Jesus. But the Holy Spirit had been “bothering” me for a few days, nudging me to give a blunt and honest message about sexual purity and the war on gender.

Nobody at the school told me what to speak about. I could go any direction I wanted. It would have been so much easier to give the “safe” Easter message. I’ll admit I was tempted to do that. Why rock the boat? Why speak on something controversial?

But I knew the Lord was leading me to preach the uncomfortable message. I prayed in the Holy Spirit for a long while before the meeting. Just before I stood in front of those 400 students, I told them that my message would not be easy for me to share. Then I read one of the most politically incorrect passages in the Bible—Deuteronomy 23:1.

Why Are Mario Murillo’s Tent Meetings So Powerful?

I asked God a simple question. That’s how it all started.

Why are the tent meetings so effective? What started this explosive combination of fire, deliverance, miracles and mass conversions?

Millions now know what happens inside our tent, but only God gets the glory! No man could have done this. God is the only reason this is happening.

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