Through the Coronavirus and Always, God Knows Your Needs

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Rebecca McInnis

We’ll probably remember 2020 as the Year of the Toilet Paper Shortage, almost more than the Year of the Coronavirus. When everyone started buying up all of the tissue, I can’t tell you how many stores I went to for just a package of four, but I had not been able to find any. One of my daughters supplied toilet paper for her kids while I had them during spring break, but I still needed to purchase the normal amount I usually keep on hand, so I had been on the watch for it in the stores.

I was told at one of our local grocery stores that they had a truckload of paper goods coming in one particular day, so I made plans to go there that morning and get what I needed. The store opened at 7 a.m. I arrived at 8 a.m. and saw people walking out with paper goods, but when I entered the store, I found the shelves were empty. I was then told another truck would be coming a couple of days later. The store had changed its hours to open at 8 a.m., and I arrived at 8:06 a.m. People were carrying out baskets full of paper goods, including the coveted toilet paper.

When I walked in, I passed the customer service counter and asked if there was not a limit (because baskets were full), and the representative said there was, but she guessed people were bringing other people with them, and they were able to stock up. As I headed off to the paper goods aisle, she said, “There’s no toilet paper.”

What? In just six minutes?

“People lined up outside the store starting at 6:30 a.m., and it was all gone in four minutes.”

I went ahead and found a couple of rolls of paper towels and went to check out. A sweet-looking Latino man checked out in front of me. I got my paper towels, walked to my car and noticed he was parked directly across from me. We said hello. I got in my car and realized I didn’t have my car key. I figured I must have left it in the basket, so I went back in the store, found the key at the front desk and walked back outside.

This same sweet man was standing outside of his car. When I walked past him, he asked if I needed toilet paper. I thought, Yeah… “Hey lady, wanna buy a watch?”

“Thanks, I’m fine,” I told him.

“But I bought more. I have extra.”

“Thanks again, and that’s so nice of you,” I said. “But I’m sorry; I don’t have any cash on me.”

“No, I don’t want cash. I just want to bless you.” He handed me a four-pack.

I saw Jesus that morning in the form of a sweet Latino man. God knows our needs. He cares and will keep us through these trying times—toilet paper shortage and all.

Prayer Power for the Week of April 12, 2020

Today, we celebrated Resurrection Day, known as Easter Sunday by many. Instead of churches filled to capacity, families stayed home and observed their Easter traditions in quarantine. Some used YouTube or social media to participate in services; others had their own family worship. But the virus did not stop us from remembering what God did for the world on that first Resurrection Day. Jesus paid for our sins and overcame death and the devil.

This week, celebrate Jesus as never before. Use praise and worship as part of your prayer time. Continue to lift up our leaders and thank God for those He has placed over us. Pray for those working on the frontlines in hospitals, safe houses, precincts, food banks, grocery stores, private-sector and government offices. Pray for the spread of the gospel and that what was meant for evil, God would turn around for good. Pray for provision for those who have lost their jobs. Ask the Lord how you can become part of the solution. Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Romans 8:28.

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