Be Still

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Valerie G. Lowe


If you’re anything like I am, you live a very busy life. Actually, you don’t live just a busy life, you live a hectic life!

The moment my feet hit the ground, I dash here and there filling my day with everything imaginable–work, church, meetings, volunteering, witnessing, shopping. The list goes on. Oftentimes I feel like the Energizer Bunny—I keep going and going and going at maximum speed.

But guess what? I’m tired! I’m tired of living on adrenaline. I want God to flood my soul with His peace and contentment, and help me to resist the temptation to do more and more. I need Him to remind me from time to time that only what I do for Christ will last. I was grateful the other day when He told me to “be still” and hear Him.

The Father wants to give us direction for our lives and weed out the clutter.

His words pricked my heart because I have lived the Christian life for more than 20 years and I know not to get bogged down in the cares of this world. Yes, I should go to church, meetings, and do other things. But those things should never keep me from an intimate relationship with God.

What about you? Do you spin your wheels doing things that hold you hostage? Working in ministry is a good thing, but when it interferes with your relationship with Jesus, it hinders you not helps you.

Don’t allow anything to keep you from spending time with God. Be sure to pray and read your Bible. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you so He can order your steps not just today, but every day.


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