Success God’s Way—3 Quick Habits to Transform Your Life

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Steven K. Scott

Most of the time, when the topic of success is brought up, we tend to immediately begin talking about the person and how they achieved it. As Christian with a Spirit-filled perspective, we know that success is not achieved by us alone, but by a God who directs our steps.

I believe that the fewest steps to success can be found in direction and wisdom from the book of Proverbs. I can prove that this method works, because I’ve watched it work in my life and the lives of many others. In my case, using God’s principles revealed in Proverbs, my partners and I were able to start a business with $5,000, and through the years, build it to more than a dozen businesses achieving billions of dollars in sales. I assure you, however, that it is not my principles and strategies that helped me achieve this success, but the divine direction and wisdom revealed in the book of Proverbs.

When I was 26 years old, a mentor told me that if I adopted these three habits everyday I’d be wiser than all my bosses within two years and a millionaire within five. The key insights and strategies I learned from Proverbs changed my life quickly, and it didn’t take nearly five years for me to transform from a chronic failure to millionaire. Today, I’d like to share the three life habits that worked so well for me.

1. Read one chapter of Proverbs every day. My mentor told me that there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs and 31 days in a month. So, the first habit he told me to form is, “read the chapter of Proverbs that reflects each day’s date. So on the 12th of the month, I’d read chapter twelve.

2. Write down the insights and wisdom you gain from reading each chapter. This step is about being intentional with the chapter you are reading every day. There are numerous studies that prove that writing things down improves your ability to recall what you learned later, which leads us nicely into my final habit for you today.

3. Begin to apply those insights and wisdom to your job within 24 hours. Faith without works is dead, and wisdom without action is meaningless. As you read a chapter a day, write down the insights and wisdom you noticed in that chapter. Really begin to apply those insights and wisdom to your job within a day. When I was in my eighteenth month of reading a chapter a day, I applied a handful of strategies that I learned in Proverbs, and was able to double the sales of my employer from $30,000,000 a year to $60,000,000. I had gone through Proverbs 18 times by then, and it became very easy to remember and apply the specific principles and strategies I learned in effective, actionable ways.

In 1996, a young real-estate developer gave an incredible endorsement for my first book. He said, “Steve Scott’s uncanny insights and strategies are so specific and easily applied, I believe they can empower anyone, from a college student, to a small business owner, to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to achieve levels of success they haven’t yet dreamed of.”  Because all of my strategies came from the book of Proverbs, Donald Trump didn’t realize that he had just endorsed the book of Proverbs.

Steven K. Scott (Steve Scott) is the founder and CEO of Proverbs Power, an educational program where he reveals the 15 strategies from Proverbs that propelled him into success. Insights and strategies that helped him achieve $3 billion in sales with Total Gym & the other companies which he either founded or co-founded. Steve is a gifted Bible teacher, speaker and consultant. You can check out his blog on Success God’s Way and follow him on Instagram and Facebook. He is married to his soul mate, Shannon Scott, and they have seven children.

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