Take This 60-Day Journey and Experience Unusual Breakthroughs, Shifts and Blessings

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Ryan LeStrange

I was recently flying into a particular city to minister when the Lord began to speak to me. While I was on the plane, I heard the Lord say, “Ryan, one word can change your life!”

I had heard this statement many times. As a matter of fact, I have preached on this very subject. It was not new information to me, but that day when God spoke those words, they shot off in my spirit like a rocket! I felt the power of God in His decree. One word is enough to open avenues of favor. One word is enough to bring about a turnaround. One word is enough to shake things up in your life.

I began to meditate on what the Lord was saying to me. Was there one word He wanted to bring to my attention? Why had He spoken this as I was flying into that city? I asked Him, and He clearly spoke the word “unusual.” He said, “When you land, I want you to preach on the unusual. Prepare the hearts of my people for the unusual and the uncommon breakthroughs. Prepare them for unusual interruptions in mundane patterns in their lives. Prepare them for unusual measures of my supernatural power.”

When I released the word in that service, the congregation began to report unusual breakthroughs, shifts and blessings. Then the Lord visited me again with the same word, and this time its significance hit me even harder. I realized that although the word was extremely simple, it had a huge potential to shift lives. At the next service where I ministered, there was an explosive anointing and move of God when I declared the unusual over the congregation. People were healed and strengthened and reported making strategic decisions or experiencing a supernatural shift.

I believe God wants to do the same thing as you read this. The word “unusual” means “not usual: uncommon, rare.” Synonyms include “abnormal, atypical, uncustomary, especial, extraordinary, peculiar and unique.” That’s what I believe God wants to manifest in your life as you read my book, 60 Days of Unusual—some abnormal, atypical, uncustomary, extraordinary things!

In the book of Acts, there was a tremendous movement of unusual miracles.

“And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out from them” (Acts 19:11-12, KJV).

In this passage we see that a rare and uncommon dimension of God’s power was on affairs. God wants to bring miraculous results to the lives of His people. Healing miracles are one part of the equation, but I believe God wants His power to penetrate every area of your life.

In my book, 60 Days of Unusual, we go on a 60-day journey of reflection, meditation and expectation based on the word unusual. You can prepare yourself to receive unusual blessings, walk in unusual favor, experience an unusual presence of God and enjoy unusual insight. My prayer is that as you read each devotion and declare the confessions each day, you will expect the promise spoken to manifest in your life and thereby leave the realm of limitation and leap forward into the uncommon!

You were not born again to just live a mediocre life, void of the power of God. You were created with the full nature of God on the inside of you and strategically designed to do kingdom exploits. It takes a bold plunge into the power of God to break the hold of the average and embrace the possibilities of the supernatural. So let’s dive in!

60 Days Unusual
Adapted from 60 Days of Unusual by Ryan LeStrange, copyright 2020, published by Charisma House. In this 60-day journey, the author challenges you to let God “interrupt the mundane” and unleash the extraordinary in your life. This book will help you break out of the mediocre and experience unusual blessings, favor and more. To order your copy, click on this link.

Prayer Power for the Week of Feb. 16, 2020

Approach your prayer times this week with great anticipation and expectation as you seek God for the unusual. Ask the Lord to lead you to those of like mind and faith so you can pray in unity and purpose for God’s will to be accomplished on earth. Continue to pray for revival in our nation and around the world. Pray for our leaders and ask that God would give them His wisdom and direction as they make decisions affecting the nation and the world. Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 77:14, Acts 19:11-12. {eoa}

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