Woman Credits God After Giving Birth in Coma While Fighting Coronavirus: ‘I’m a Miracle Walking’

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One woman from Washington state is crediting God and her faith after she gave birth in a coma while fighting an infection with the novel coronavirus.

When the 27-year-old Vancouver resident awoke on April 6, her once-pregnant belly was flat and the symptoms of the illness that brought her to the hospital had dissipated. Soon thereafter, she found out she had given birth while she was unconscious.

During an interview with NBC’s “Today,” Angela Primachenko said she started feeling ill on March 24, when she developed a fever—a dangerous symptom for a woman 33 weeks pregnant. So she went to the hospital, where she works as a respiratory therapist, to be tested for coronavirus.

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My twin not only survived Covid-19 but also gave birth while being under an induced coma, I know, we all didn’t even know that’s possible. Feels surreal posting a picture with Angela next to me. The last two weeks I wasn’t sure if I would ever take a new picture with her. I cherish @angela_primo more then ever. She is pure gold and I wouldn’t want a world without her. Thank you to EVERYONE for your prayers, it was a dark time, I doubted and questioned my faith and God, I felt so powerless and so fearful and out of control. But that’s how faith grows, going through times of uncertainty and seeing God gently calm my spirt again and again… and now seeing the end… I stand in awe of God. He is good. I can’t wait to meet my little niece Ava #covidsurvivor #pregnantwithcovid19 #sheisalive #miraclesurvivor

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