Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

What the Election, Super Bowl and Luke 1 Can Teach Us About God’s Mysterious Ways

I had a conversation this last Monday with the owner of Current FM, which airs my radio program in Virginia Beach. We were reflecting on the Super Bowl and other recent events such as President Trump’s election and the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series.

And as we continued talking, we saw a theme woven throughout each of these topics that encouraged us.

The Chicago Cubs hadn’t been to the World Series since their loss in 1945. They hadn’t won the World Series for 108 years, and fans referred to the years with no championship win as a curse (due to the infamous incident when a goat was not allowed into the Series when the Cubs played in 1945).

But they persevered, loyally supporting the franchise every year. And this last November, when it seemed impossible, the impossible became possible.

In our conversation when discussing the election, we saw how when the mainstream media didn’t give Trump a chance to win, the impossible became possible. The mudslinging on every side of the political isle got to the point where some people didn’t want to check social media because of political posts and inconsiderate opinions or watch TV due to negative advertisements. One political ad was so horrible that when it came on, I shut off the TV because I wanted to protect my kids from the slander.

There were strong opinions on every side during the campaign, with people showing their animosity in blatant ways, and friendships were hurting over Facebook posts. It seemed as though everyone wanted to be heard yet were frustrated how polarized the election got. Although there were disgusting accusations on every side, Trump weathered the storm and pressed on. His election severely deflated the reputation of the leading poll companies, and made people question every news agency, and led some of us to take another look at political and biblical issues. Against insurmountable odds and the opinions of “professionals,” what was impossible became possible and is now reality.

When we were talking about the Super Bowl, we knew it was phenomenal this year. Just when it seemed like the game was over, it changed dramatically. It will probably go down in the history books as the greatest Super Bowl ever played.

Looking back, Tom Brady was not a Heisman Trophy winner, nor was he the coveted first draft pick. He was the 199th draft pick in the sixth round of the NFL in the year 2000. Despite this, his faithfulness to practice and train, through discipline and loyalty, facing overwhelming pressure and walking through controversy and against the odds, he was transformed into being the “greatest quarterback of the NFL,” with seven Super Bowl appearances, five of which his team won. The impossible surely is possible.

I think that God shows no favoritism between teams as He shows no favoritism over one people group over another (Rom. 2:11). Acts 10 recounts the true story of Cornelius and his Gentile household receiving the outpouring of the Spirit. The Apostle Peter said, “Truthfully, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. But in every nation he who fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him,” (Acts 10:34-35). There are praying people on every side of the political spectrum and on each team.

Even though He shows no favoritism over one group of people or nation, and He does not favor one team over another, we give God glory through everything. And when we witness or participate in a historic game or event, we should take a step back and reflect on what we watched, giving Him worship through it all and seeing what lessons from it we can apply to our lives in our current life situation.

Mary was told she would give birth to the Savior of the world even though she was a virgin. And it was explained by the angel that her cousin, Elizabeth, who had thought she would never have children, was pregnant with the prophet who was John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus.

Even though it seemed outrageous, the angel Gabriel said, “For with God nothing will be impossible” (Luke 1:37). Even Jesus’ disciples heard what seemed absurd and inconceivable, but He looked at them and said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).

So whatever is happening in your life, apply the lesson that no matter what, the impossible is possible and becomes reality. Just as we saw in the recent World Series, election and Super Bowl, anything can happen. With Christ in you, all things are possible, and you can rise above all circumstances as He reigns in your life. {eoa}

Jared Laskey is starting Destiny Open Bible Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is a contributing writer to Charisma‘s online magazine. He lives to see Jesus awaken this generation to the power of His Holy Spirit. Follow him on Twitter @jaredalaskey or visit


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