Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How to Press Through Supernaturally When Spiritual Warfare Lashes at You

Are you feeling weary, worn down and stressed?

Frustration can set in during seasons in our life. How do we press through when we want to give up and are feeling sad?

Allowing ourselves to cry, grieve and be upset are normal emotional feelings. I used to say, and still speak out, “I wish I weren’t human.” I want to walk in the Spirit at all times and live as the spirit being that I am. If I lived in the spirit at all times, I wouldn’t have emotions and feelings that can be unproductive and unfruitful.

However, we are still in this world. The next world hasn’t manifested yet. Therefore, we must allow ourselves our human emotions and feelings and occasional breakdown. Please note, I said “occasional breakdowns”. We don’t want to live in a place of defeat or victim mentality. Allowing ourselves to spiritual downward and stay there is an entry point for the enemy.

However, not allowing ourselves to grieve and feel is also an entry point. How you may ask?

I’m sure some of you can relate to being stuffers. You stuff your feelings, don’t talk about your problems and release your emotions. These too are cause for strongholds to be built up in our lives because we shut down and shut up. When we do that, we are putting up self-protective walls and controlling our outward circumstances and situations by not speaking out.

We need a balance between releasing too much and not releasing enough. How do we find that balance? By allowing the Holy Spirit to be our best friend and having Him lead and guide us.

When we rely on and lean on the Holy Spirit, I believe He will bring us to a point of emotional release when we need to let go of what we are feeling inside. Sometimes, it is when we let go that we indeed find healing and restore our souls. It is when we can refocus, shift and readjust ourselves.

I’d like to say we can always be strong, but I think everyone has a breaking point. One of the keys is finding balance so instead of breaking, we release on a continual, gradual basis if we must. We may also develop such a trust in the Lord and reliance and dependence on Him that human worldly things don’t even matter, and we don’t need to release, vent or pent up our emotions because truly nothing else matters except Him.

I believe we are in a season raging with emotions. Some of them are emotions we have never before experienced. Friends, I believe we are in a time of preparation of things to come. Therefore, if we can’t get our emotions intact now, how will we when we go through more complicated things? In my book, Unshackled, I help you receive deliverance from your past and release those things that are shackling you. The Lord told me we have to live in faith because fear, confusion and chaos will come. What are you doing to find balance in this season so that you will be empowered in the next?

Spiritual warfare is intensifying and continuing for longer than what I usually see in the Spirit. This year, I have prophesied that we are in a fierce battle. We are at a dividing line where the rubber meets the road, and we have choices to make. As a spiritual warfare and deliverance minister, I have never seen this much warfare in the spiritual realm. Usually, the world experiences warfare for a few weeks or a couple of months, but I have seen constant battle in the spiritual realm and have experienced spiritual warfare attacks since Jan. 1 of this year.

What is waging this serious warfare in our lives? I believe it is multifaceted. As we begin our year, a good portion of Christians enter a time of prayer and fasting. As we know from the Scriptures, Jesus experienced warfare when praying and fasting. I call this “standard warfare.” Even the days preceding our time of prayer and fasting I will call “ordinary warfare” because we can expect the enemy to try and “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10) our intimate and breakthrough time with the Lord.

The Lord told me last year that everything would change in March. I didn’t know exactly what that meant, but as we know, everything did change. The coronavirus was covering the earth, and stay-at-home orders and quarantines were starting to be issued and are still continuing. The plague releasing over the earth, the Lord showed me, is fueling a principality of fear over the earth.

People are in fear. We know medical ailments, financial uncertainty and fear of sickness and death can make us fear. Still, when we corporately fear, and that is which we are doing, it fuels a stronghold and principality of fear over the earth. The Lord spoke to me and said, “We have to live in faith when everyone else is exuding fear.” My book, Unshackled, can assist you to find freedom from fear!

We are now walking out of the coronavirus, but I am still hearing from the Lord that chaos, destruction and confusion are ahead. I have been pressing into what the Lord has to say with all the spiritual warfare that has been running rampant. Even though I do believe the economy is going to rebound, and the coronavirus is going to dissipate, I still hear there is something else coming. I don’t believe this intense warfare is going to cease anytime soon.

The election this year is going to be tough. I feel political parties are going to have their own agendas and create some things happening to the world to throw the election off. We might see it as spiritual warfare, but I have felt the Lord showing me last year that this year is going to be a year of good and bad, and a year of corruption in our government. A year of acceleration for the kingdom of God, but also planned attacks in the natural, and spiritual warfare attacks that will affect us physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Friends, I am encouraging you to pray. Pray on the offense! Pray against the spiritual warfare attacks that are plaguing the earth.

I have seen the principality of fear lighten over the past couple of weeks; now, we need to continue in prayer—offensive, audible warfare prayer to annihilate every demonic principality and kingdom trying to come against the greatest revival we could ever see.

Even though we are experiencing this warfare, I believe we are living in the greatest times, and as the Lord told me a couple of months ago, this could be our greatest hour. This could be the very moment in time He created you for! We now need to arise and not allow the warfare to defeat us, but we need to defeat the warfare. Learn more about conquering spiritual warfare in my new book, Unshackled, and on my podcast, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. Kathy hosts a weekly podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare on the Charisma Podcast Network. She is the author of several books, including: Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Unshackled and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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