Why God Is Calling You to Become His Wrecking Ball

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Lois Flewelling

God is calling you to become a wrecking ball for Him.

When I heard this in my spirit, I questioned the Lord about what it meant to be a wrecking ball. He immediately took me into a vision of a very dilapidated building situated between two new, attractive buildings on a busy street.

The broken-down building seemed out of place and no longer fit into the environment of the street. I watched as a large crane containing a wrecking ball disassembled various aspects of the building and then parked at some distance away. Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and the entire building imploded into a dark, cavernous pit, not the typical hole of the basement of a building.

God showed me how we will operate in the spirit realm to remove demonic strongholds from individuals, families and regions. He will show us the areas that need to be demolished or wrecked so the former foundations can be removed. The Holy Spirit can then annihilate every root or reinforcement the enemy has built to keep the old structure in place.

This vision reminded me of the old wineskin that cannot hold the new wine he is pouring out. Old religious structures must be torn down. False beliefs must be destroyed before the new wine can be poured in. The new wine is available and can only be held by a new wineskin.

The two new buildings on either side of the torn-down building were of this caliber. They were fresh and attractive, drawing in those passing by. But people were purposefully moving away from the old building for fear of being hurt.

This is a picture of what is taking place right now. There are many people looking for God, attracted to Him, yet the building that is hosting God is old, dilapidated and failing in many ways. God is building a place that is renewed, refreshed and safe. He needs his wrecking balls to assist him in destroying the old so the new can come forth and present Him correctly.

A wrecking ball is used to break strongholds, destroy old altars, remove idols and burn up all roots of entanglements the enemy has in our lives. Wrecking balls understand their authority. They automatically carry out their God-given function for themselves and others.

God is with us and will subdue our enemies, but we have our part too. We must become the wrecking balls who will go forth and annihilate them. We do this jointly with the Lord, not alone. When the Holy Spirit directs us, we will stand strong in our authority and take land.

Will you be one of the Lord’s wrecking balls? {eoa}

Lois Flewelling is an engaging speaker, teacher and author who flows in the prophetic anointing to empower individuals to walk out in their God-given destiny. She is an international speaker who teaches on how to enter and walk out our God anointed assignments. Lois believes God is raising up an army of warriors to advance the kingdom of God, and her mandate is to equip and train for this season. She is president of Empowering Life Center and founder of The Gathering, a church based in Houlton, Maine.

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