Spirit-Filled Evangelists: Now Is the Time to Battle From Our Knees

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Pat and Karen Schatzline

We cannot do life as usual. This is much more than an illness, but rather an all-out attack against the gospel. I truly believe that this thing (virus) must be brought down from the air to the dirt by praying and warring against it.

Now is the time to battle from our knees.

COVID-19 is an airborne virus. Airborne diseases are illnesses spread by tiny pathogens in the air. These can be bacteria, fungi or viruses, but they are all transmitted through airborne contact.

Guess what? We have been given authority over the things of the air, according to Ephesians 6:12-13 (TPT): Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.”

This is the most unprecedented time in history. I personally believe this is Satan’s way of removing the authority of the USA in the eyes of the world and bringing about more chaos in the nations.

While we are not a perfect nation; we are still the protectors against tyranny and the guardians of democracy. We are also the missions sending arm of heaven. We must pray against the Jezebel spirit (Rev. 2:20) which is at work in destroying the lives of the believers, priests and kings.

I do believe that this has caused us all to realize that we must be salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16). Our lifestyles have and must change. This has forced us all to realize that we must be frugal and more conscious of how we do life. What used to matter has taken a backseat to survival and purpose.

We will come through this! 2 Corinthians 4:17 (NIV) promises, “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” Together we shall overcome and walk in an authority from heaven like never before.

I had this in my spirit when I awoke this morning: Isaiah 54:11-17 (MSG):

“Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I’m about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, Lay your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher—what a mentor for your children! You’ll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! far from terror—it won’t even come close! If anyone attacks you, don’t for a moment suppose that I sent them. And if any should attack, nothing will come of it. I create the blacksmith who fires up his forge and makes a weapon designed to kill. I also create the destroyer—but no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged. Any accuser who takes you to court will be dismissed as a liar. This is what God’s servants can expect. I’ll see to it that everything works out for the best.” God’s Decree.”

On the other side of this great catastrophe, let us be able to say that we had a personal awakening to the fact that with God, all things are possible. {eoa}

Pat Schatzline is a leading international evangelist and author. He and his wife, Karen, co-founded Remnant Ministries International. Go online today and purchase Pat and Karen Schatzline’s newest book, Restore the Roar at schatzlinebooks.com. Watch and listen to powerful messages by Evangelist Karen Schatzline by going to their YouTube channel, “Pat and Karen Schatzline” or click: youtube.com/RemnantMinistriesInternational.

Pat Schatzline is a leading international evangelist and author. He and his wife, Karen, co-founded Remnant Ministries International.

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