Prophetic Dream: How You Can Move From Battle to Breakthrough

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Marti Pieper

My wife and I went through a very intense trial last year where we needed to stand firm on the Word of God. Our faith was tested. We could choose to trust God’s promises or succumb to fear and doubt.

During this time I was growing weary, and then God gave me a dream. In the dream, I was driving a car with a very powerful engine. I was going up a very steep mountain with 15 or 20 cars ahead of me. They were all struggling to get up the hill. Suddenly, one at a time, they each started drifting backward and sliding down the hill. I had to pull off the road to avoid being hit, as one after another they slid down the hill to their ruin. They all crashed at the bottom of the hill.

The road ahead was now clear, so I proceeded up without any problem. The power of the car took me up and over the crest. At the top, I could see everything was white and covered with snow. It was beautiful, like a smooth white blanket. The air was still and peaceful. It was as if a heavy snowfall had occurred the night before, and now the day was calm, serene and crystal white. I noticed only one other car had made it to the top, and then I awoke.

The Lord showed me that the car represented my life with my wife and our ministry. I was not in a large car. I noticed all the other cars sliding down the hill were larger than mine. The large cars represented larger ministries. Even though they were large, they were now preaching a watered-down message or they compromised the Word of God. Specifically, they were not teaching about holiness, resisting sin, walking in fear of the Lord or an eternal hell. These things caused their ministries to fall.

The powerful engine in my car represented the Word of God. When we believe, obey and refuse to let go of God’s promises, God’s grace will propel us to the top onto the pure white snow of His unfailing Word. This is where we find peace and safety.

During this difficult time, we had to declare God’s promises throughout the day. We thanked Him and trusted Him for an intense couple of months. We had to resist fear, doubt and lies that would hit our minds. We had moments of weakness, but we knew God was faithful. We had to cast our care on Jesus, rebuke the enemy, and reject thoughts of failure, doubt and unbelief. God had never let us down, and we knew having His Word in our heart was the key. I wrote down specific Scriptures to stand on and feed my faith with. We refused to let go of God’s Word. We also felt led to take Communion together for 40 days.

It was a fight of faith. When things look the worst, our faith is revealed. The Bible says it is a good fight—the fight of faith. After 40 days of Communion, we received the first sign of breakthrough. God had given us a bit of encouragement that we were winning the battle by His grace. If He will do it for us, He will do it for you.

Today, we are all facing challenging times. The world has changed, and demonic forces have been unleashed upon the earth. Now, more then ever, we need to be close to the Lord and respect and value God’s Word. If we don’t, we will fall.

No matter what you are going through, surrender your life to Jesus Christ and spend time reading the Bible and in prayer. He will lead you into victory. Find a Bible verse that declares what He will do or has done for someone in the Bible. He is no respecter of persons. There are scriptural promises for protection, healing, provision, restoration of relationships, parenting, salvation for family members and more. If you will find even one verse to stand on and really trust Him, He will be faithful to perform His Word for you. We show our trust in His Word by thanking Him for the victory in advance and praising Him in the midst of the storm. {eoa}

Bill Wiese is the author of the New York Times bestselling book 23 Minutes In Hell, the story of his life-changing visit to hell in 1998. Bill has since authored six additional books and continues to share his experience around the world. He and his wife, Annette, founded Soul Choice Ministries in 2006 and have dedicated their lives to reaching the unsaved.

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