Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Michael Brown Says It’s High Time for Radical Revolution in America

Dr. Michael Brown believes the time has come for major revolution in America.

No, the syndicated columnist and host of The Line of Fire podcast isn’t suggesting the violent overthrow of the government, nor that we take up arms or move into political activism. It’s a call to something far more extreme.

For Brown, revolution means a call to live out the gospel with all its radical claims, a call for the people of God to impact this generation with the prophetic message of repentance. It is a call to spark the most sweeping counterculture movement in our nation’s history—to take back the moral ground that has been stolen from underneath our feet. It’s a call to follow Jesus by life or death.

It is action Brown details in his new book, Revolution: A Call to Holy War.

“So, revolution speaks that radical, dramatic sweeping change. Revolution speaks of out with the old and in within the new,” Brown told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “Revolution speaks of overthrowing the status quo. And when you think of the ministry of Jesus, you realize in many ways, he came to the earth to launch God’s revolution; he preached on the kingdom of God.

“He spoke of God’s kingdom coming,” Brown said. “He told us to pray radical prayers like, ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done,’ which means that the ousting of the earthly system in the world. The revolutionary thinks that life as it is, it’s not worth living, but the causes are worth dying for.

“Jesus says, ‘Leave everything and follow Me,” Brown said. ” ‘If you find your life, you lose it. If you lose your life for My sake and the gospel, you find it.’ Those are profound truths right there. And the Great Commission, in many ways, can be taken as a revolutionary commission. It’s basically, ‘let’s go change the world together.’

“But the difference is that our revolution is not violent. It’s not angry. It’s not hateful. Our revolution is not moved by earthly, fleshly motivation. It doesn’t shed blood; rather, our revolution is overcoming evil with good, overcoming hate with love. It’s overcoming lies with truth. Once we understand ourselves as part of a revolutionary movement, it kind of demolishes the church-as-usual, Sunday-morning and spectator-Christianity-type mentality.”

For more of Dr. Brown’s thoughts on revolution in America, listen to the rest of this podcast. And tune into The Line of Fire on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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