Apostolic Mentor: Gaining Your Healing When Your Experience Seems Excruciating

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Kluane Spake

The world’s problems—and those in our personal lives—can cause us to feel discouraged these days and perhaps somewhat depressed.

I don’t know about you, but this has been a very difficult time health-wise for many friends, my family and myself. When stress of the unknown suddenly presses in, it is challenging to keep a Christlike mindset. Sometimes, our confessions can become rote and meaningless. Hope deferred can truly make the heart sick, as God’s Word says (Prov. 13:12).

My role as a friend, a mother, a grandmother, wife, minister, apostle and mentor is to not try to make miracles happen. It is liberating to realize that we don’t have to stand in the gap! We don’t have to persuade the Lord to intervene.

Our mediator, Jesus, stands in the gap for us. He, our great high priest, is always here praying (Rom. 8:34). Despite whatever challenges we may face in this life, we have the confident assurance that He is always praying for us.

The Holy Spirit ever intercedes (Rom. 8:26). Even when we are not aware, He is our advocate, praying on our behalf—even when we no longer know how.

God is the miracle worker and our healer. This means that:

– The past does not predict our future.

– God is not preparing to heal us. Healing is a finished work that happened 2,000 years ago.

– The appearance of emergencies is not the only reality.

– The ultimate truth appears when we realize that after we petition our case before the Lord, we rest.

– We trust that God has heard us.

– We trust that God already loves us.

– Each passing situation is not our definitive reality.

– We are not locked into God answering us “our way.”

– The Lord can give us answers to serious issues; He gives us a mind to solve sickness and disease. He gives us dominion over this world.

Sometimes, we need to simply be quiet and surrender. Find this present moment and be alert in it. Be thankful for this moment.

Ask the Lord for what you need to understand and see today. How should you prepare? And then, just breathe. {eoa}

Dr. Kluane Spake is your “apostolic voice of church reform.” She has served thousands of churches and ministries worldwide. She is a revelator who is considered one of the apostolic pioneers in the arena of teaching about the finished work of redemption, apostolic church government, and gender and racial equality. She is an international apostle, speaker, author of over 30 plus educational books, mentor, consultant and friend to the body of Christ. She has a doctorate in theology and another in naturopathy. Visit her websites at Kluane.com and apostolic-mentor.com, and listen to her podcast, Apostolic Mentor, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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