The Wise Shall Shine as Stars

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Maria Woodworth Etter

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. —Daniel 12:3

Daniel says the wise shall know when the Lord comes. You may say, “I don’t believe.” You don’t want to believe, but that day will overtake you as a thief in the night. None of the wicked shall understand the signs of Jesus’ coming. You who are children of the light shall know, and that day will not overtake you unexpectedly.

Those who know the time of the Lord’s coming shall “turn many to righteousness” and shall shine “as the stars for ever and ever.”

Don’t be looking to the grave. Look up—for behold, He cometh.

Lord, make us wise to discern the times. Amen.

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