The Wilderness Shall Blossom

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Maria Woodworth Etter

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. —Isaiah 35:1

Praise God, the work is going on, and the wilderness of sin has been made to blossom as the rose! Where there was cursing and blaspheming, there is singing and praising God. Let us never be discouraged. Rather, we should lean hard on God. He will give us victory every time if we only trust Him and give Him the glory. Praise God for victory through faith in His promise and through the efficiency of the blood of the Lamb!

For the encouragement of those who are starting in the work of the Lord, let me say that God has promised to be with us always even to the end. We are nothing but the clay God speaks through. It is “Not by might . . . but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 4:6). If the Holy Spirit is dwelling in our hearts and shining out through our lives and actions, then we, by faith, can take God at His Word. We will find at all times and places that His grace is sufficient, and He will give us victory every time.

Lord, help me to see Your potential and
victory in every wilderness
that I face. Amen.


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