Hear the Master Calling

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Maria Woodworth Etter

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. —1 Corinthians 1:27

If we have been, like David, taken away from that horrible pit over which we were hanging by the thread of life . . .

  • if our feet have been taken out of the mire and clay . . .
  • If the chains of Satan, which were around us like brass and iron, have been broken . . .
  • if our feet have been set on solid rock, and a new song put into our mouths . . .
  • if we have been adopted into the family of God, of which part are in Heaven and part on earth . . .
  • if our names are written in the Bookof Life . . .
  • Then we have the gift of eternal life—we are heirs to the bank of Heaven . . .
  • to an eternal inheritance . . .
  • to a mansion in the golden city . . .
  • and to a robe and a crown.

Let us not plead weakness. God will use the weak things of this world for His glory. When He wanted to introduce His glorious gospel to a dying world, God did not go to the Jewish Sanhedrin and select the wise and mighty. He went along the sea of Galilee and chose twelve ignorant men and said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Oh, hear the Master calling for soldiers! He says He will lead us on to victory. Oh, who will respond to the call? Who will place his name on the heavenly roll? Who will enlist in the war and help to conquer the mighty foe? Who will help to beat back the powers of darkness?

Lord Jesus, I will follow You wherever
You lead me. Amen.

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