{ Day 354 }

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Mike Bickle

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. —Galatians 5:22-23

The various aspects of the fruit of the Spirit are important to consider as we allow the Holy Spirit to move us out to personally minister to others. Today’s devotional and the following eight daily devotional lessons will consider how each fruit of the Spirit applies to the prayer ministry of Spirit-filled individuals.

Love. Love can be viewed as the overarching characteristic from which the other aspects of the fruit of the Spirit flow. Really, the fruit of the Spirit is nothing less than the character of Jesus Christ being manifested in and through believers. As we pray for others, we must view ourselves as servants and not heroes. As we pray for others, we should be conscious that it’s much more their moment than ours. A spirit of love will help keep this in view.


Father, I know that love must begin, flow through, and permeate my entire life. Give me a spirit of love like Yours.

The spirit of servanthood is the most
outstanding sign of true love.

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