{ Day 179 }

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Mike Bickle

After this, God gave them judges until the time of Samuel the prophet. Then the people asked for a king, and he gave them Saul son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, who ruled forty years. After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: “I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” —Acts 13:20-22

One of the toughest questions throughout Christian history has been, “Why did David get this special distinction from God? What set him apart from so many other godly men and women?” The answer has the power to revolutionize the way you see God, the way you relate to Him, and how you view yourself and your destiny in Him. What set David apart as a man after God’s heart was his unrelenting passion to search out and understand the emotions of God. This, I believe, is the distinguishing factor in the life of any person—you or me or anyone else—who sets out to have a heart after God’s. In fact, someday the church worldwide will be like David in this regard. We will be a massive group of people who worship, serve, and love God with ever-increasing understanding of His emotions and passions. Like David, we will understand and reflect the heart of God in a way humanity has rarely seen.


I want nothing more than to be a person after God’s own heart. I want to worship, serve, and love You with an ever-increasing awareness of Your great love for me.

You can be a person after God’s own heart,
just as David was.

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