{ Day 157 }

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Mike Bickle

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. —Song of Solomon 8:6

There is nothing more compelling or attractive than desire that goes above and beyond. Hollywood has made billions of dollars from the craving of the human heart to experience deep, abiding love. The love stories through the ages are very similar. They are the stories of the man who sells all to win the love of his lady. People flock to the theater to see the same story line over and over. Why? Because something in us longs for love that knows no boundaries, love that knows no sacrifice in pursuit of the one it loves. Shakespeare’s timeless classic Romeo and Juliet touches the deep chord within. It cries out that life itself is only worthwhile if the heart burns with love. There is no sacrifice too great when the heart is set on fire.


So much of the world is searching for love in all the wrong places, Father. Help me to reveal the love of Father God to others, so that sharing a revelation of Your love becomes my highest goal.

When you understand the revelation of the fire of
God, experiencing His burning desire for His Son
and for other human beings will radically
change your life.

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