Noteworthy Characteristics of a Woman Who Moves the Hand of God

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Jenny Rose Curtis

Did you know that God is in pursuit of you? The heart of God is searching for those who would answer the call to stand in the gap. The gap is the breach between God and our society. Satan has blinded the hearts of many. Our generation has become highly humanistic. Many want power without God. Many come to the church for an experience rather than a relationship with the true and living God.

If someone doesn’t occupy the gap, destruction can occur. Someone must stand in the gap between God and man to cry for mercy and grace for this generation. God is seeking women who will take up the mantle of prayer to release healing, deliverance and glory upon the earth.

The noteworthy life of Anna the prophetess is a prophetic picture of standing in the gap that is of benefit to the church today. In one of the darkest times of human history, when Israel was waiting on the promised Messiah, a time of great transition and pain, God raised up Anna. Today God is releasing the spirit of grace and supplication upon women to sustain long seasons of prayer and fasting like Anna. They will pray and proclaim the revelation of Jesus to a lost and dying generation.

Anna did not have political influence—she had spiritual influence. Anna was a woman of persistence, hope and power. Her prayers and fasts were instrumental in birthing the first coming of Christ. Now God is mustering an army of women with the Anna anointing who will cry out until the knowledge of the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea (Isa. 13:1-5; Hab. 2:14). Those with the Anna anointing will be set as watchmen in the temple, giving the Lord no rest until revival breaks out in the land. They will labor in intercession for the release of God’s power to win the lost, revive the church, and impact society with the gospel of the kingdom. These women will touch the heart of God as they cry out with heartfelt prayers for the sins of this nation. They will be equipped with fire, zeal and power to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to those who look for redemption. God is awakening a prayer movement that will release the power of His kingdom. Through the power of prayer, we will see righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost on the earth once again. The modern-day Anna will pray effective, fervent prayers that will make tremendous power available to this generation (James 5:16).

God wants to turn the disaster zone into a revival center. He wants to release the blessing of the Holy Spirit through our prayers. He wants to release power. Where the people of God gather, He wants to develop pockets of mercy, cities of refuge. He will release power and supernatural protection, provision and direction in different places. The reason He holds back until His people respond is because He wants His people to be the agent of change before the throne of grace. He wants people in intimacy with Him and in partnership with Him to be the vehicle through which He releases blessing to the world.

In a world of people searching for significance, looking for a place to belong, wandering aimlessly about and desperately seeking security, God is awakening in individuals a deep desire to know His divine calling and destiny for their lives.

As the Lord begins to direct you to embrace your calling and the stirring in your heart for His destiny and purpose for you, I believe that you will begin to take on a similar divine urgency and sense of responsibility for things greater than yourself. I believe that you will begin to see yourself as a woman of influence, conviction and power. A divinely inspired cry will come out of your spirit: “Lord, come and heal our land!”

Like Anna, you will become a woman that moves the hand of God. {eoa}

Anna Anointing Book Cover
Adapted from The Anna Anointing by Michelle McClain-Walters, copyright 2017, published by Charisma House; Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. Using Anna, the dedicated prophetess that ministered to the Lord in the temple prior to the birth of Christ as an example, the author provides clarity to the calling and basic principles that will help you become a woman that moves the hand of God through prayer. To order your copy click on this link.

Prayer Power for the Week of April 16, 2017

Now that spring has begun, focus on shedding the past and embrace the new season as a fresh start in your journey. Thank the Lord for new beginnings, and ask Him to make you aware of the opportunities He provides for you to share His love and message of redemption, especially during this holy season. Pray for the persecuted church around the world and ask the Lord to send more laborers into the harvest. As many travel to Israel these coming weeks, pray for its protection and for those entering and leaving the country. Remember to pray for our government leaders and for revival to ignite in our nation again (2 Cor. 5:17; Song 2:8-13).

Michelle McClain-Walters serves as director of prayer ministry at Crusaders Church and as one of the house prophets and apostolic team leaders. She has traveled to more than 40 nations, conducting schools of the prophetic that have activated thousands in the art of hearing the voice of God. She is the author of The Prophetic AdvantageThe Deborah Anointing and The Esther Anointing.

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