Never Too Late to Believe

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Brenda Davis

Several years ago, I accompanied my niece Shae and two of
her girlfriends to a Girls of Grace conference. The event, sponsored by
Christian recording artists Point of Grace, was geared to the needs of teen

The weekend gathering was part concert and part retreat and
one of the few current events at which girls can gain some real perspective on
the culture in which they live. What’s more important is that they can also
hear the truth about all God has in store for them.

I knew the teens would receive some valuable ministry. But I
was quite surprised by how the conference impacted me.

During the week leading up to the event, I was looking
forward to getting in touch with my inner teenager, but I was also concerned
about whether my strength would hold up.

I doubled up on sleep and vitamins just in case, but I
didn’t need to. I was energized by hanging out with these amazing young women.

There was something contagious about the way they
exuberantly worshiped God. I remember those days! I was like that once; we all

For some of us the years have added up to freedom and fulfillment
in every aspect of life. But for those who have faced some of life’s harsher
realities, time has brought painful memories, innumerable disappointments and

Perhaps you’re one of those. You’d like to think you could
recapture some of the youthful energy and zeal you once had, but what you’re
facing right now appears to be a mountain of impossible circumstances.

In the Bible, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist,
experienced firsthand the reality that sometimes God waits a long time to manifest
His Word. When she commended Mary, the mother of Jesus, for receiving what the
angel Gabriel said to her about being impregnated by the Holy Spirit, she spoke
volumes: “‘Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of
those things which were told her from the Lord’” (Luke 1:45, NKJV).

Elizabeth, too, believed. And in spite of her barrenness and
old age, God was faithful to her. It must have seemed awfully late to most
people. But through her He blessed His people and proved Himself to them once

I’ll admit, I thought seeing those teen girls at the
conference would cause me to muse over the passage of time and wonder if I had
done everything I was destined to do for the Lord. But instead of becoming
melancholy, my heart was stirred to believe that if it wasn’t too early for
them to believe God, then maybe it wasn’t too late for me.

What about you? Are you willing to continue standing on
God’s promises, even if it means pushing your faith beyond its normal limits?
Are you ready to start believing Him again?

If you are wondering today whether it’s too late for your
divine dreams to come to pass, I encourage you to ask God for eyes that are
open to see the future as He does. You’ll find there is still more than enough
time for you to fulfill His will in your life…if you believe.


This week thank God that as you acknowledge Him in
everything He will direct your steps and
you will fulfill His will for
your life. Pray for those suffering from the effects of recent hurricanes,
floods and earthquakes. Remember Israel, our allies, and those serving to
protect our freedoms, communities and families at home and abroad. Ask God to
direct the president and those working with him to provide jobs, secure our borders
and ensure our safety. Pray for global revival, more laborers for the harvest
and the expansion of God’s kingdom on earth. Luke 1:45

To enrich your prayer
life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate
scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt:
Prayers that Rout Demons, Prayers that Bring Healing, Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break
Curses. To order any or all of these click here.

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