
Never Bring a Lie to a Sword of the Spirit Fight

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Rosalinda Rivera

There’s a famous scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” when Indiana Jones is being chased through Cairo by his enemies. As the crowd parts, a menacing swordsman dressed head to toe in black steps forward, showing off his skill with great bravado.

In what seems to be shaping up to be an epic fight scene, Indy (clearly annoyed and unimpressed by his enemy’s performance) casually pulls out his pistol and shoots him, ending the almost-battle—never bring a sword to a gunfight. Unless your sword is the Sword of the Spirit—the living Word of God.

Your enemy, Satan prowls like a thief in the night, trying to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). When you sense his darkness, there is only one thing to do—activate the promises of God’s Word over your life.

The devil is where lies come from. When he starts flinging those darts around, trying to intimidate you, remember that words carry power when you speak what God said. You have the power to set into action the promises of God.

Through Christ, your Heavenly Father has already overcome the enemy (John 16:33). His power is tremendous and resides within you. Because He is in you, you carry that same power. Today, declare the Word of God over your life and activate the power of God to destroy the lies of the enemy.

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4, NIV).

Please tune into Rosalinda’s Faith-Fuel Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Rosalinda Rivera is outspoken and passionate about helping others change their lives and accomplish their dreams. She is sought-after speaker and author, (Wonder Mom: Not All Heroes Have Superpowers; Wonder Women: Becoming a Hero for Christ. Dare to Begin Again: Let God Write Your Best Future (now available in Spanish); Seductive Slayers of Success: Harness Your Strengths to Take Control of Your Destiny). “Pastor Rosa” is also Associate Pastor of New Life Outreach Church in Richmond, Virginia, and Executive Director of New Life for Adults and YouthMercy House, and Mercy Moms House, a place for single mothers to find hope and healing. Rosalinda has been reaching out to families in crisis, poverty and hopelessness for over 25 years.

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