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Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: Don’t Downplay Hell

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Bill Wiese

Why do so many people attempt to soften the subject of hell?

Why do they try to make it seem less horrifying, less severe or even non-existent?

It’s because they cannot reconcile a loving God with a God who would allow such intense suffering. People have actually created a god in their minds who doesn’t exist.

Bill Wiese is the author of New York Times bestselling book 23 Minutes in Hell, the story of his life-changing visit to hell in 1998. Bill has since authored six additional book titles and continues to share his experience around the world. He and his wife, Annette, founded Soul Choice Ministries in late 2006 and have dedicated their lives to reaching the unsaved. For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please visit us athttps://soulchoiceministries.org/. You can find more of Bill’s teachings athttps://www.youtube.com/user/BillWieseTV.

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