Letters to My Daughter—Why Every Young Woman Needs a Dad’s Wisdom

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Jenny Rose Curtis

Your daughter is about to take the biggest journey of her life in becoming a young woman of God.

High school is over and now she is probably walking onto a much bigger campus with many more people. There is one thing she will need on this journey, a father’s wisdom. Whatever your situation may be, the letters I wrote for my daughter during her freshman year of college, would echo a father’s love for his little girl. Not only did these letters touch her heart, but the hearts of her friends as well.

With my daughter’s permission, I am sharing with you a few samples from these letters so you can be encouraged.

 My Daughter,

As we are driving away from your dorm room today after dropping you off, we have never been prouder of you. Your mom and I are excited for this stage of your life as God takes your hand and begins to walk with you as an adult.

College is exciting as you meet lots of new people, have a roommate, eat different foods and yes, learn some great things as well. College is also a time of maturing in so many ways. You are a very capable and godly young woman. I have seen you navigate life very well.

Know today that Mom and I will miss you terribly day after day. We will have tears of joy and sadness. You might have a few as well. It’s totally OK to feel the feelings you’re having. You may want to journal to remember these experiences and feelings that you are having each day.

On this first day of college, I want you to have a great time. Remember to pray for your roommate and those around you, and please make time for Jesus. He has provided for you a way to attend this great school, and He loves to be appreciated for His providence.

I love you with all of my heart, and you know that before you were born, we prayed for you daily, and we will continue praying for you every day forward as well. You have been and will always be in our hearts.


My Daughter,

Today, again, I told a client one of my favorite stories about you. I don’t know if you remember when you were really young, and it was your birthday. This was when we lived in Texas, and your brother was just a baby, so you were maybe 4. We were at Burger’s Lake. You wanted to go off the really high diving board (it was probably 30 feet or higher). Since it was your birthday, I let you try this diving board.

I was down in the water, and as you walked out at the end of the diving board, you got scared. Your eyes got big, but then you remembered how to fight that fear. You stopped, looked down at me and said out loud, “God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.” Then you leaped off the high dive into the water, and together, we swam back to the beach.

In you, you have the Word of God and a fearless spirit. No matter what happens to you during your days of college, you have nothing to fear. God has given you a lot of power, a lot of love and a great mind, so remember when that feeling happens to fight against it and jump in. You’re awesome. I hope remembering who you are, who you really are, encourages you: an amazing and beautiful daughter of the most high God whose purposes cannot be defeated!

Love you,


I hope you enjoyed my sharing with you my father’s heart. If you have a daughter starting college, I encourage you to take this time to speak truth and wisdom into her life. I have put these letters into a book form called Letters to My Daughter as a tool to bless you, cause you to think, make wise decisions and help your daughter become the person God created her to be. {eoa}

Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books including Letters to My Daughter. You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, drdougweiss.com or on his Facebook or by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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