Life-Changing Results When Your Relationship With God Becomes a Priority

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Sharon Buss

This is part two of a series. Read part one here.

Soaking in the Lord’s presence will bring us into the fullness of our destiny, and He needs us to come up into that maturity to be ready for the days ahead when He will surely pour out His Spirit.

Soaking in the presence of the Lord begins with becoming aware of your eternal Father who is there all the time. His Spirit, His presence, is like oxygen—you can’t sense it with your five natural senses, but it’s all around you—and you can’t live without it.

According to Jeremiah 23:23-24, God’s presence is everywhere; He fills heaven and earth. But all too often you are unaware of His presence because you are not fully living and walking in the Spirit, which is your inheritance. Unhurriedly staying for a while in His presence changes you in the same way that fabric soaking in dye changes its appearance, or a cucumber soaking in brine changes its flavor. When saturation occurs, you will never be the same. You are eternally transformed.

When you soak in His presence, you become aware of His attributes. All of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience toward others, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) become accessible to you, but the greatest of these is love. This kind of love is inexpressible; no mere words can contain it. It gives you everything you need and crave in your innermost being. Then the healing begins. Things you couldn’t put right for yourself become adjusted as His manifestation fills your empty places and reveals to you His passion for your soul.

As God’s peace envelops you, all the looming possibilities suggested or threatened by the darkness collapse as the light of the Lord’s countenance shines on you. You are set free from bondage to fear, and faith takes its place. Deep trust comes and grows deeper the longer you remain in that place.

Staying in the awareness of His presence inspires you to grow up in Him. His presence pours out the grace to overcome your fleshly immaturity—the grace to become all that He made you to be—the grace to walk as a mature son or daughter of your Father. It’s like entering into the family business as a partner, doing business on your Father’s behalf with His guidance and blessing.

Take time to soak in the Lord’s presence.

For more inspiring words like this, listen to the Global Outpouring podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network now.

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