How You Can Help Fight the War on Malaria

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Want to be part of saving the world from a preventable disease? Here are some practical ways to support this effort:

1) Pray. Too
many have suffered, died or lost loved ones because of malaria, and it
doesn’t have to be this way. Intercede for those suffering from the
disease and the families mourning the loss of loved ones. Pray that God
would stir people’s hearts to help put an end to this disease. With your
help, malaria can be eradicated by 2015. Is God leading you to be a
part of this war? If so, prayer is the first line of defense.·

2) Give. All
it takes is $6 to provide a bed net that will protect people against
this deadly disease. What have you spent $6 on in the last week? A movie
ticket or lunch out? What could be more important than the life of a
child? Children are dying from a disease that’s 100 percent preventable,
and we can’t stand by and watch. The best way to increase a child’s
chances of survival is to prevent him or her from ever contracting the
disease. To take action, go to··and
donate. Your donation will provide insecticide-treated bed nets to
children in need—and will help both them and their parents sleep
peacefully, knowing they aren’t at risk of contracting this disease.·

3) Get involved. Visit· to
register your church for World Vision Malaria Sunday. This is your
congregation’s chance to join the war on malaria. You’ll receive a free
hosting kit with information about this special Sunday event, key
talking points, videos and sample malaria net—all you need to rally your
church to provide life-saving bed nets to people in need. If you’re not
the decision-maker at your church, talk with those who are. Meet with
your pastor or leadership team and tell how God has stirred your heart
to do something about this issue. Our brothers and sister around the
world are in need, and we have the ability to help.

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