
How to Defend Against Satan’s Attacks

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Curt Landry

This article originally appeared on Curt Landry Ministries.

*Note: This is the second of a two-part series. You can view the first part here.

As your eyes are opened to spiritual warfare, you can feel a heaviness, and more intense warfare comes. The enemy puffs up and tries to intimidate you as you put on your armor. He raises his level of intimidation as you raise your sword and move into higher levels of faith.

If you’ve moved to a higher level and intense warfare begins, ask the Lord for a strategy. You see, if God has called you to this higher level, He will provide a strategy.

We are in a season when the old habits and patterns that used to work don’t anymore. God calls His people to move, stand strong and contend for the faith.

2. Focus and Fix Your Eyes on the Lord

Okay, so if you’re taking your eyes off the focus, it means you have not allowed the Lord or done the things necessary in your life to impart the Word of God. So what you can do to focus and fix your eyes on the Lord is….

  • Take my spiritual warfare book here, and see the verse about the blood of Jesus. It says, “By that, we will be sanctified through the offering of the blood of Jesus once and for all,” (Heb. 10:10).
  • Okay, so what I would do is I would go into my journal, and I would handwrite in my journal, “By that, will we have been sanctified,” (Heb. 10:10).
  • Then I’ll go into my Bible and highlight Hebrews 10:10. And I’ll write in my Bible by this verse the date I highlighted it.

So now it’s three times you’ve seen and focused on that verse. And then I’ll memorize this Scripture and say, “Through the body of Jesus Christ, I have been sanctified once and for all.”

So when the enemy tries to lie about me and say I can’t do this or that, I come back with Hebrews 10:10. And by the time…

  • I’ve handwritten it
  • I’ve highlighted it in my Bible
  • I’ve written it in my journal

I’ve been able to memorize it. I’ve done three things, and now I am starting to own and become it.

Then I write the benefits of it in my journal, such as:

  • The blood of Jesus lets me draw near to God
  • The blood of Jesus washes away my sins
  • The blood of Jesus grants forgiveness
  • The blood of Jesus gives me eternal life
  • The blood of Jesus brings healing to my body
  • The blood of Jesus brings me joy
  • The blood of Jesus speaks on my behalf

If you just do that simple exercise, it may take 10 minutes of your time and the heaviness and loss of sight will begin to disappear.

So that’s why we did Goals to Grow By, And when you do Goals to Grow By, you need to have smart goals to say, “These are the things I will do every day…”

3. Develop a Routine

  1. Be a Sabbath keeper.
  2. Create quiet time with the Lord.
  3. Read His Word
  4. Blow the shofar. I’d blow it every day.
  5. Anoint your neck with oil so that the yoke of bondage, according to Isaiah 10 and 27, won’t be heavy upon you.
  6. Pray under my tallit, let’s say once a week.
  7. Take communion, say once a week.

If you do those things when you’re doing spiritual warfare, that heaviness and that attack will cease and desist. These are all powerful things that you can do. The more you do them, the more they become a habit and the stronger in spirit you become.

Time to Flex and Develop Your Spiritual Muscles

You have mental muscles and physical muscles. You also have muscles in the spirit.

And so…

  • The more you create habits and patterns
  • The more you go into the Courts of Heaven
  • The more you pray
  • The more you have a conversation with God
  • The more you seek God

… the stronger your relationship will be.

I’ve been doing spiritual warfare for 33 years, and so rather than thinking you’re going to stop all backlash and all heaviness that comes, battle in the opposite spirit.

Know that if you are really making some headway, it will come. As soon as it starts to come, I deal with it immediately. So don’t hesitate. Be bold. Be humble, and know that the blood of Jesus is on your side.

May the kingdom authority of God prosper in you, may you have a blessed time, and may your spiritual warfare be victorious.

Click here to view Rabbi Landry’s book on spiritual warfare!

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Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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