Lord, I Want to See You

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Valerie G. Lowe

To catch a glimpse of the eternal God so impacts us that we are lifted from the mundane affairs of this temporal life and transported into the reality of the kingdom of God. We must ask God to heighten our ability to see into the heavenly realm. We desire this, first of all, because we have a desperate need for Him. Secondly, we need revelation, in order to see with our hearts the conditions of people to whom we are called as His servants.

Read 2 Kings 6:15-17, Is. 6:1-13, Matt. 5:8, Luke 10:21-24, Luke 17:20-24, 2 Cor. 4:17-18

Heart Issue

What concerns or unsettled issues are there that intrude upon your ability to receive fresh revelation from God?

Prayer Focus

Father, we realize how vital it is to live in the realm of heavenly vision. Free us, Lord, to not only receive from You, but also confidently release what You give us. We look to You for wisdom and instruction so that each one of us might effectively use our gifts to lift up Your name and edify Your church. Amen.

Brenda J. Davis is the acquisitions editor for Creation House and former editor of SpiritLed Woman magazine.


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