Morning Rundown: Why Were So Many Christians Deceived by TB Joshua?

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Why Were So Many Christians Deceived by TB Joshua?

Twenty years ago, as I was preparing for my first ministry trip to Nigeria, a friend asked me if I had plans to visit a famous Nigerian minister named T.B. Joshua. I had never heard of the guy, so I did a bit of research before I flew to Lagos. I learned that thousands of Christians from Asia, Europe, Canada and the United States were flocking to the Synagogue Church of All Nations, the huge ministry of this so-called prophet.

I didn’t jump on the Joshua bandwagon because I saw too many red flags. I only had to look at a few pages of his magazine to discern that there was a strange spirit of sorcery behind this man. I had a sick feeling in my stomach any time I looked at his materials or watched his videos.

The spiritual revulsion I felt was confirmed when Pentecostal friends from Nigeria told me that Joshua was an occult healer who had only recently started using Christian terminology to attract big audiences. They said he used deceit and African magic (or “juju”) to build his following. He even claimed that his birth was miraculous and that his mother carried him in her womb for 15 months.

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Bill Johnson: ‘The Lord Is Releasing an Anna and Simeon Anointing’

In a message of encouragement for 2024, Bill Johnson is reminding the body of Christ to stay focused on one thing above all others, and that is to know the Lord.

Just as Anna and Simeon were both fixated on seeking the presence of the Lord for the Messiah to come, we are also to seek Him above all other things.

“The Lord is releasing an Anna and Simeon anointing,” Johnson said. “It’s the Matthew 6 anointing; it’s the eye that has settled on one journey. The reason my whole body is full of life, the reason my entire life is under the visible manifestation of the glory of God is because I have determined I am alive for one thing.”

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IHOPKC Investigation of Misconduct Reports Continue

In a new update to the International House of Prayer Kansas City community, Eric Volz, managing director of the David House Agency, reported that General Fuller, the new executive director of IHOPKC, is currently reviewing the history of misconduct at IHOPKC.

“That review is far from over, but so far, we can say that for an organization this size with 25 years of operating history, over 20,000 staff who’ve served here, statistically speaking the number of known incidents is actually quite low. At the same time, we can confidently say that a few of those reported incidents, likely, were not handled properly. From what we can tell, most of those incidents happened under the watch of leaders who are no longer here, but that doesn’t change IHOPKC’s responsibility to thoroughly examine and address each case,” Volz said.

Volz discussed that some of the cases being examined are “clear-cut” while others are not. He said that lines between these two should not be blurred as more time is needed to continue investigating each incident.

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