Buckingham Palace

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Leonard R. Davidson

Right after college I went to England to preach for 30 days.
I traveled with Bill Bell and the Liberty Baptist College
soccer team. I knew that on one of those 30 days we would visit Buckingham
Palace. I did some research and found out how to get into the palace to be able
to sign the queen’s guest book.

My best friend, Chuck, was going on the trip. When I told
him that I could get into Buckingham Palace he laughed. I then told him that I
could get him in with me. Suddenly,he was a bit more interested. On the
right day, at exactly the right time, we went to the famous palace.

I told the Queen’s Guard that I wanted to sign the queen’s
guest book. Chuck was standing a good bit to the side just in case I got shot.
The guard turned and opened the gate. I motioned for Chuck to come out of
hiding, and we walked through the massive iron stronghold, through the
courtyard and into the palace.

When we got inside, I declared boldly that we had come to sign the queen’s guest book.
Chuck was about to hyperventilate. The “butler” took us down a long hallway and
into a private room where we signed the queen’s guest book. For real.

No tea and crumpets, but our names (Chuck was so nervous you
couldn’t even read his writing) are forever inscribed on the pages of her guest
book, for the queen to cherish and
admire (smiley face inserted here). This was a once-in-a-lifetime event and way

Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us draw near with confidence
[boldly] to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to
help in time of need” (NASB).

Wow! Most Christians are more intimidated in their praying than
Chuck was about going into Buckingham Palace. We see God as the “Great
Scorekeeper in the Sky,” and we never feel like we have enough points. We
are never good enough. We have too much sin. We don’t have enough
Scripture memory and quiet time to boldly enter into His presence.

And so our prayers (usually out of desperation) are puny,
pitiful and powerless.  Nothing
ever happens. Answerless prayers bounce off the ceiling and crash unopened into
our hearts. Dejected, we move on and try to earn some more “God” points so
maybe next time He will listen.

Hear this. The problem is not God; it is us. Rather, our
perception of us. We see ourselves as poor little “sinners saved by grace.”
Nothing more. But if you look at Hebrews 4:14, “Since
we have a great high priest … Jesus, the Son of God,” we see that it is by
His shed blood, His righteousness, which wraps us like a robe (see Is.
61:10), that we can enter boldly
into His throne room into the very presence of God!

We sing, “Jesus paid it all.” Now let’s live like He did.

This week in your Christ walk, pray boldly. No, really, try it. Get alone and picture
yourself walking boldly into His throne room (Hang on; you might have an
Isaiah 6 experience). Ask Him for what you need. Boldly. Tell Him your pains. Boldly. Pour out your heart before Him. Boldly. Worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. Boldly. Do you feel that you are not worthy? Good because
you are not, but Jesus is and He is your great high priest. He paid it all. Sin
had left a crimson stain but He washed it white as snow. And the throne room is
now open. There is no “Queen’s Guard.” This is not a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Go in often; you will never be turned away.

Leonard Davidson is Executive Assistant to the President
of the American Association of Christian Counselors. This article is used by


In the wake of two momentous events, that of the royal
wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the demise of one of the most
wanted criminals of all time, Osama Bin Laden, we pause to recognize the only
wise Sovereign God, who has prepared a royal place for us and given us
permission to boldly enter His Holy throne room. This week take time to
meditate on that and give Him the adoration & worship He alone merits.
Thank Him for His continual care and provision and lift up those suffering from
the horrendous effects of recent natural statewide and overseas disasters. Pray
for those bringing aid to these areas and ask God how you can be a blessing.
Continue to pray for our president, our allies, and those working with them to
ensure our protection. Pray for Israel and that the Church would rise up to be
all in needs to be in these turbulent times.  Heb. 4:14; Is. 61:10; 1 Tim. 2:1-8

To enrich your prayer
life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate
scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt:
“Prayers that Rout Demons,” “Prayers that Bring Healing,”
“Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth,” and “Prayers that Break
Curses.” To order any or all of these click here.

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