Are You Ready to Seek Him?

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Greg Hinnant

Those who diligently seek the ideals of the cross will be rewarded.

Are you a God-seeker? The ancient psalmist is urgently calling God-seekers: “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continuously” (Ps. 105:4). Do we realize what it means to “seek?”

Not at all passive, “seek” is a very active term. We never seek things accidentally or because they’re given us. The two usages of “seek” in this verse are translated from two Hebrew words signifying, “to inquire; investigate; try to find, do, or learn; to care for with desire; require; have a relationship; ponder.” “Seek,” therefore, implies we believers should:

  • Ask God to reveal Himself to us
  • Investigate the evidence of Him in His Word and history
  • Not merely intend or promise to but start seeking Him
  • Desire and crave Him
  • Realize we need His presence, strength, and favor
  • Develop our relationship with Him
  • Think often and deeply of Him

Seeking God implies other actions also. We launch a personal expedition to discover the world’s richest hidden treasure: God! We go God hunting, alertly searching for the ultimate prey and prize—knowing God. We follow closely the path of eternal life blazed by the Way, His apostles and remnant believers who’ve gone before us.

We stop patronizing Jesus and start seriously, prayerfully, and insatiably studying Him with determined effort, ready to sacrifice and suffer, if necessary, to fully discover who He is. We commit to a lifelong quest for more of God—seeking Him with all our heart, energy, faculties, and resources so we may walk closely with Him. That’s serious action. That’s seeking. That’s what the psalmist urges.

What should we seek?  We seek “the Lord” (Ps. 105:4), not just Bible facts but also a growing personal fellowship with its most lovely character—Jesus!

When do we seek?  “Continuously” (v.4). We seek Christ early in the morning, at night, and any other available time … the rest of our lives. Thus it becomes not our hobby, but our habit.

How do we seek?  We search for more of our Master through prayer, praise, and worship, but especially through God’s Word. Scripture is the primary, infallible, and indispensable medium through which God reveals Himself. We’ll never know the living Word without steadily searching the written Word.

Persistent seekers always receive God’s promised presence, strength, and favor: “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). They also revel in sweet fellowship with Jesus, joy, a full revelation of God’s character, luminous biblical insight, thriving works, heart rest, peaceful relations, inspiration, holy boldness, fruitfulness, heart’s desires, honors, and Christlike humility, all because they’ve obeyed God’s call to seek Him. Throughout history we find God calling seekers.

When Adam stopped seeking Him, God lamented, “[Adam], where are you?” (Gen. 3:9). He invited Moses, “Come up to Me … and stay there [remain with me]” (Exodus 24:12). Jesus challenges us to seek Him “first” (Matt. 6:33). He calls weary believers, “Come to Me … I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Scripture closes with the Spirit urging us to “Come ” and seek Jesus’ living water “freely” (Rev. 22:17).

Like the ancient psalmist, these texts summon us to respond in every way “seek” implies. If you’re responding, continue. If not, today repent, pray, and respond. Ready to seek Him?

Adapted from Water from the Rock–Daily Devotions for Disciples–Volume Three by Greg Hinnant, copyright 2014, published by Creation House. This book is a must have for those who are spiritually parched and thirsty for more of Jesus. It will help guide you through the spiritually dry wilderness of this world by providing daily Spirit-illuminated, biblical water to hydrate your soul. To order your copy click here.

Prayer Power for the Week of September 21, 2015

This week determine to seek the Lord more than you ever have before. Schedule time to study His Word concerning His attributes, characteristics, sovereignty, compassion, and anything else the Holy Spirit leads you to learn. Exalt Him and declare your renewed love, passion and allegiance solely to Him. Ask Him for divine connections so that you can carry His presence to those who need Him the most. Continue to pray for national and worldwide revival, more laborers for the harvest field, the persecuted church and Israel to fulfill God’s purpose in this season (Matt. 6:33; Rev. 22:17; Heb. 11:6).

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