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5 Ways to Develop Your Self-Esteem as a Woman in Christ

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Shelby Bowen

Are you a Christian woman struggling with self esteem and lacking confidence? You’re not alone. There are moments in everyone’s life they wrestle with self worth and feelings of insecurity. It’s what you do with those moments that can and will shape the rest of your life for the good or the bad.

Charisma magazine interviewed pastor and life coach Tammy Hotsenpiller who shares her incredible journey of going from self doubt to a strong, bold confident woman in Christ.

“You would think, ‘oh if you’re in ministry everything must be fine for you.’ I, like you, struggle with identity. We all struggle with identity. It’s an attack from the enemy,” Hotsenpiller says.

It’s clear throughout our culture today with depression and anxiety rates through the roof, there is something very wrong happening. The notion of “you can do anything you set your mind to” is actually a very unhealthy way to look at the world, purpose and passion.

“You can’t do everything,” Tammy says. That’s the point of all of us being created unique, in a face of God’s image. Each person has special gifts, callings and passions placed inside of them. You want to make sure you are wired with the passion you want to pursue in life. Is this what God has asked you to do? Tammy tells her clients to “vet” themselves.

In her coaching she teaches that passion fuels the end of what you are trying to accomplish. As you work through your feelings of insecurity understand first and foremost that’s it’s okay, normal and you’re not alone.

“Even though I was a pastors wife, I had wonderful children and was in the church, I struggled with who I was. I had all the elements to be a successful person and yet I dealt with low self esteem,” she says.

Tammy describes her charismatic husband, who’s big personality and bright future intimidated her at the start of their marriage. She was at a women’s conference when a confident woman in Christ took the stage, dressed beautifully, walked confidentally and spoke right to the heart.

She said, “Our adequacy is not in and of ourselves. Our adequacy is in and from the Lord.” This sent Tammy on a journey to find out who she truly was in Christ.

“Things like becoming my best self, figuring out who I was in Christ and then in the 90s I went on this journey to become a life coach,” she says.

In the video she walks through these five practical steps you can implement today:

  1. Know who you are in Christ. God breathed life into you for a purpose!
  2. Gather some great resources to help you along your journey in becoming confident and whole.
  3. Smart people put smarter people around them.
  4. Stay in the Word of God.
  5. Walk in boldness and confidence.

Tune in to the rest of the video with Tammy to hear her personal stories and the moments that have shaped her into who she is today; a child of God, wife, mother, author, coach and pastor.


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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.



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