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5 Biblical Roles for Marriage Often Overlooked

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Shelby Bowen

Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. Understanding God’s true design for marriage will help you step into the biblical role as a wife or husband with the tools for success. We sat down with Pastor Vlad and Lana Savchuk of Hungry Generation Church to talk about the five most important roles for a husband and a wife.

“Christian marriage is less about our personal happiness and more about our holiness. In order to operate in a Christian marriage we have to know what the Bible expects from each person,” Vlad Savchuk says.

Here are the 5 roles of a Biblical wife:

  • Partner with her husband to rule over creation.
  • She is a helper to her husband. This word helper is often used when God refers to Himself as our helper.
  • She is a crown of her husband.
  • A wife is to submit to her husband. God created a specific order, just like there is an order in the military. If there is a disarray and you don’t know who is in charge, chaos ensues. This is not women submitting to men in general, a woman can be a CEO and run a business with men under her, this verse refers specifically to a marriage.
  • A wife is a builder of a home.

5 roles of a Biblical husband:

  • He is a leader. He has to be proactive to initiate a marriage and pursue God. This is where the headship comes from.
  • The husband is a laborer. We have a problem with men today not wanting to work. God calls men to work and provide for his family.
  • A husband is called to be loyal. Typically men battle with their eyes and struggle with purity but Christian men are called to be loyal to their wife and family. He provides safety to the home by being a faithful man of integrity.
  • He is a learner of his wife. If you know what your wife likes do it, if you know what she doesn’t like, don’t do that.
  • The husband is called to love his wife like Christ loves the church.

“In 1 Peter, apostle Paul is talking about a wife that can win her husband with her conduct, even without saying a word. We all know a nagging wife, it goes over men’s heads. They block it out. It’s best that you show honor to your husband and treat him on the level you want to see him,” Lana Savchuk says.

Tune in to the rest of the interview with Vlad and Lana here.

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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