Fri. Sep 6th, 2024

The Sacred Exchange: Embracing the Principle of Sacrifice and Spirit


Today, let’s delve into a profound and transformative truth encapsulated in the phrase, “Give blood and receive spirit.” This concept is more than poetic; it is a divine principle that has guided the faithful toward a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit throughout centuries of the church. The monastic desert fathers of the early church not only coined this phrase but also embodied its essence in their daily lives. Together, let’s unpack this teaching and explore its significance for our lives today.

Sacrifice and Spirit

At the core of our faith lies the ultimate sacrifice: the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is through His shedding of blood and His willing sacrifice that the Holy Spirit was sent to earth. This sequence is crucial. The Holy Spirit did not come randomly or without cost; He was sent following an act of profound love and selflessness. This teaches us that the Holy Spirit is both gifted and preserved through sacrifice.

Understanding ‘Give Blood

To “give blood” means to engage in acts of sacrifice. It involves offering our time, resources, energy and sometimes our very lives for the sake of others and the glory of God. This concept is deeply rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We should recall His very words to the disciples, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13, NIV). True love involves sacrifice, and it is through this sacrificial love that we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and His powerful working within us.

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The Role of the Cross

The cross epitomizes sacrifice. It symbolizes ultimate love and serves as the channel through which the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon us. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was not a one-time event but a model for us to emulate. It teaches us that through our own sacrifices, we make space for the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The cross reveals that in giving ourselves fully, we receive the fullness of God’s Spirit.

Daily Acts of Sacrifice

While “giving blood” might conjure images of martyrdom, it is equally relevant in our daily lives. Each day presents opportunities for small sacrifices—acts of kindness, moments of forgiveness, instances of putting others before ourselves. Though these daily sacrifices may seem insignificant, collectively, they create a life open and receptive to the Holy Spirit.

Consider a parent who tirelessly cares for their child, prioritizing the child’s needs above their own. Or think of a friend offering a listening ear and comforting presence, even when it is inconvenient. These are modern-day examples of giving blood, and through these acts, the Holy Spirit works in and through us.

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The Lives of the Early Church

The believers and martyrs who preceded us provide powerful examples of this principle in action. Their lives were marked by sacrifice, often at great personal cost. Yet, their sacrifices were not in vain. They were filled with the Holy Spirit, becoming vessels of God’s love and instruments of His grace. Their stories inspire us to live lives of sacrificial love, knowing that in doing so, we too will be filled with the Spirit.

So how can we apply this principle in our own lives? Here are a few practical steps:

  1. Identify opportunities for sacrifice. Look for ways to serve others, even when it is difficult or inconvenient. This could be as simple as helping a neighbor, volunteering your time or offering a kind word to someone in need.
  2. Embrace daily challenges. View the challenges and difficulties of life as opportunities to grow in sacrificial love. Instead of complaining or avoiding these challenges, face them with a spirit of love and service.
  3. Cultivate a heart of gratitude. Recognize and give thanks for the sacrifices others make for you. This attitude of gratitude opens your heart and makes you more receptive to the Holy Spirit.
  4. Reflect on the cross. Spend time in prayer and reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Let this reflection inspire you to live a life of sacrificial love.

Let us remember this powerful phrase from the saints of old: “Give blood and receive spirit.” Through our sacrifices, big and small, we open ourselves to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Let us embrace this truth with open hearts and willing hands, ready to give of ourselves for the glory of God and the good of others.

May the Holy Spirit fill us and guide us as we walk this path of sacrificial love in the earth and continue to expand Christ’s kingdom in the world around us.

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Charlie Shamp is co-founder and president of Destiny Encounters International. He is a sought-after international keynote speaker, having ministered nationally and internationally with radical demonstrations of faith, seeing lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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