Why Heaven Matters for You Today

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Kris Vallotton

Do you ever stop to consider the importance of your life on this earth, or the imperative nature of the relationship our earthly bodies have with eternity?

So often we get caught up in the pressures of our day that we forget the repercussions that exist infinitely from this earth into eternity. Most people consider eternity as they reflect on the reality of death in this life. But I’d propose it is not just important for the imminent, but it is crucial in the current moment of your life. It is vital that we become aware of the importance of eternity because our infinite is cultivated in our finite life on the earth.

Let me be clear: I do not mean we should become so fixated on the future that we forget to be present with the complexities of our day or the problems we face. I mean quite the opposite—we have been called to be the light of the world; we carry solutions for our day and the generations to come. We are to value our days on this earth because they are shaping and molding the “forever” of our history.

I’d like to challenge you with this question: What would it take to live future-present and shape eternity from the finite side of life? What areas of your life need to be aligned to the values of the kingdom of God? Where has the debris of the fallen world taken root in the depths of your heart?

I’d propose we go beyond “doing good” and accumulating accolades in heaven for when we arrive; eternity is for today!

Eternity Is for Today

Here is one way to think of eternity besides a distant time that will exist when we leave this earth and begin our life in heaven. When Jesus supernaturally healed the sick, He called it a “sign.” Why is it a sign; why isn’t it just a healing? The answer lies in the reason the person actually got healed.

Let me explain. A miracle happens when a superior ecosystem superimposes itself over an inferior ecosystem. In other words, a world that transcends the reality of the laws of physics and the laws of nature (a world where there is no sickness, death or even aging) crashing in on the sick person, resulting in the infinite imposing its superior will on the finite.

Jesus explained it like this: “As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons.” (Matt. 10:7-8, NKJV). What is called a miracle in this realm is the normal condition of the superior laws of the kingdom of God—it was made for today!

Many things we toil and sow in the grounds of our earthly life are not seen until we enter heaven’s gate. Matthew 5:12 (NIV) says, “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets.” The epistles are filled with mention of rewards in heaven, crowns of righteousness, and of life.

So take heart: The very things that burden our hearts here on the earth will be reason for reward in heaven.

I want to urge you to become more concerned with the treasures of heaven than the treasures of this earth. No, there is nothing wrong with having a nice home and nice things, but these material items are fleeting in the hands of time. Matthew 6:21 (NKJV) says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” We want our hearts to be rooted in the grounds of heaven, seated in the throne room of God and impacting the reality of earth. The value of what’s to come is greater than what you could accumulate on the earth.

Toying With Eternity

There are many people toying with eternity in the name of grace—they have birthed whole movements based on accepting destructive sin in the name of “loving” your neighbor. But this is the fine line we walk on this side of time; if we allow the deception of the enemy to erode our earthly being in the name of momentary comfort, it will impact our eternal destination.

Let me be clear: I believe the gospel is full of grace and God does not send people to hell; rather He said, “Over My dead body,” and sent His only Son so that we could be saved. But the weight of these toxic trends disguised by the notion of love has been weighing on my heart because of the eternal implications.

Eternity is sealed with a “settled” stamp. There is no return policy, and you can’t work a night shift to pay off a debt—the sale is fixed.

So, in a world that is focused on the present satisfactory success of life, I urge you to build a strong, firm foundation for eternity. May each of us, like Job, live a life that echoes into eternity: “Well done, My good and faithful servant.”

I charge you to be a people who fight for truth amongst the crowd of lies, who sacrifice popularity for the pleasure of God and live for something bigger than yourselves. I pray we are known as people who surrender our weapons to sing an anthem that aligns with heaven and echoes into eternity. {eoa}

For the original article, visit krisvallotton.com.

Kris Vallotton is an author, international speaker, culture leader and, most of all, a spiritual father to this generation. As the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and Moral Revolution, Kris has helped thousands of believers over the last 20 years to realize their identity as sons and daughters of God.

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