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Revival Spreading Across America ‘Can’t Be a Coincidence’

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James Lasher

The timing of revival breaking out in America is no coincidence according to one evangelist.

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Senior Pastor of New Season Church and President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), believes that God is on the move.

“If you were a skeptic,” said Rodriguez in an interview with Fox News, “you would label this as a coincidence. But if you’re a person of faith—you see this as divine providence. It can’t be a coincidence.”

He added, “God is in charge. God is up to something. And that’s the great news.”

In the wake of the pandemic and social changes occurring in America today, Rodriguez finds what is happening in the church today to “be unbelievably interesting,” he said.

“During COVID,” he said, “Gallup and Pew had surveys out regarding the ‘Z Generation’ and how it’s the most so-called ‘unChristian generation’—some have even deemed it the most anti-Christian generation in American history. Well, how about that? Then God shows up—and we have the Asbury revival, and we have this emphasis on generational change and how a mess can become a miracle.

“It can’t be a coincidence. God is up to something. That’s why I truly believe that America’s mess is about to become God’s miracle,” he added.

But this younger generation who endured a lockdown during their formative years has a spiritual desire for truth that can only be quenched by God.

“You have young people hungry for spirituality, for authenticity, for truth in a world full of fluidity and relativism today. There’s a generation hungry for truth and something that is solid. So I love the fact that God, with a wink and a nod, says, ‘Yeah, sure, you guys think you’re in charge? And you really think I’m no longer involved? Let me show you who’s truly in charge and who’s on the throne,'” Rodriguez observed.

“It’s what happening across the country.”

Rodriguez pointed out the many ailments afflicting America today, and in the midst of the spreading darkness, God’s light is shining where it is needed most.

“We’re looking at disarray, we’re looking at families without a father figure in 78% of African American homes, we’re looking at so many other issues in America—including political disarray and discord. And we ask, ‘Is there an answer?'” explained Rodriguez.

“In this chasm—God shows up. And says, ‘I got this. All you have to do is call upon Me. And I’ve got this.'”

In the midst of this spiritual opportunity, Rodriguez implores Christians to stand up in faith, not fear, and take hold of the destiny that God has called His people to.

“We, as a church,” he added, “need to stop the whining and the moaning and the complaining—and we have to get out of the fetal position. God is not coming back for a defeated church, a broken church, a whiny church. He’s coming back for a glorious church, according to the apostle Paul.

“We really need to demonstrate the glory of Jesus to a broken world,” said Rodriguez.

Rev. Rodriguez echoes the words of the apostles James, John and Peter where they implore believers to prepare to put their faith into action as witnesses of Jesus Christ. Change will not come by remaining within the four walls of a building, but by taking the Word of God to a world that so desperately needs it. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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