
Prophetic Dream: The Lord Says, ‘Be the Wave’

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Katherine Ruonala

Read Time: 4 Minutes 43 Seconds

The Lord gave me a series of prophetic dreams in November which spoke to His heart for Australia in 2023 and the coming years beyond. I have also included several prophetic themes that the Lord is highlighting for us.

Honey in the Hive

The Lord has been highlighting the theme of honey very strongly at the moment. Proverbs 16:24: “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Wisdom is needed to bring words that heal and unify to see revival released in the fullness God has planned. Where there is unity, God commands the blessing; and our words—particularly about each other and different parts of the body of Christ—need to be carefully considered and brought with grace, as God is wanting to bring a greater level of unity across the body of Christ in Australia.

Grace to forgive those who have hurt us is available, and the power to speak kindly about them is available by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ps. 133:1-3, Acts 4:32, Rom. 12:16, 2 Cor. 13:11, John 17:11-21, Phil. 1:27, Acts 2, Eph. 4:3, 1 Cor. 12:12).

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

Australia’s native bees make honey with extraordinarily high degrees of healing properties. Their hives are not made of wax and propolis like regular bees, but from pure propolis, giving the honey unusually strong medicinal qualities. I believe there is a call to Australians to recognize a special call in this hour to look to Him for healing and to release healing by the power of His Spirit. Already, we are seeing a significant increase in the gift of faith, and we’re increasingly hearing testimonies of remarkable, creative miracles. (To watch the incredible testimony of one such miracle, click here).

It takes more than one bee to make honey. There is an emphasis on every joint supplying (Eph. 4:16). It is a call for believers to throw off any sense of hibernation and take their place in the hive.

A Dream of a Tsunami Wave

In a dream, I knew that a tsunami wave was imminent. I got out to my car, which was parked in a parking lot, and got all my clothes out, as I didn’t want them to get wet. (Cars represent individual ministries, and clothes represent mantles, gifts and callings).

Then the scene changed, and myself and a bunch of people were gathered in a high-rise building to watch the beachfront. There were some surges where the waters would come up higher than usual, and each time people would ask, “Is that it? Is that the tsunami?” I would say, ”No. What is coming is going to be much bigger.” Then the tsunami hit, and it was stories high. The cars were swept away.

The scene changed and I was with our associate pastor, Aaron, and some of our team. Aaron was driving us through wildly flooded roads, and I was saying, “Be careful, this is dangerous!” But Aaron laughed and said, “We are safe. This is fun!” Then we arrived at Aaron’s house, and he offered us a drink. He came out of the kitchen, and smiling, said, “I made mead!” I immediately assumed I didn’t like mead, though I didn’t know what it tasted like (I assumed it tasted like beer, and I don’t like beer). So, I asked for something different. Aaron just smiled again and said, “I made mead.”

When I woke up, I looked up what mead was. Mead is made from fermented honey. I believe, in my dream, Aaron represented the new generation of priests (five-fold ministers) that are going to have a heart for unity and equipping and activating the saints. (Honey is made from all the bees in the hive doing their part to make the healing nectar.) I believe the clothes being brought out the of the car and the cars being swept away speak of a deemphasis of individual mindsets, and a call for people to bring their gifts and callings into the house (the hive) so that the honey (representing healing, unity and the glory and goodness of God) can be released in a greater measure. We are more powerful and have greater impact together than separate.

I also felt from the Lord that we need to be willing to change our tastes in this coming move. Mead is an ancient drink, but it was new to me, and I assumed I wouldn’t like it even before I tasted it. In this next move, we need to be willing to embrace that which is new and different for us. Interestingly, I discovered that mead is not the bitter drink I assumed it was, but is, in fact, sweet. I believe that many who taste of the new wine being released will be pleasantly surprised!

Be the Wave

Years ago, during the worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the 1990s (the last big wave), I woke up one morning with an open vision of the word “GALIAH” spelled out in front of my eyes. I didn’t know what this meant, and despite my efforts, I was not able to find out. A few weeks later, I woke up with the same open vision of this word. Afterward, I discovered it was a Hebrew female name meaning “wave of God.”

After this encounter, I began to have recurring dreams of a massive wave of healing that was coming to Australia. After my recent dream of the tsunami in November, the Lord reminded me of these dreams, and I heard Him say, “Be the wave.”

I believe this next wave of His Spirit in our nation is not something we are just to wait for, but we are the wave. And as we are moved by the Holy Spirit, the army of God will mobilize like a great swarm of bees, as ministers of healing en masse. Already we have been seeing remarkable, creative miracles and this will multiply as the people of God are awakened.

For the rest of this prophetic word, visit elijahlist.com.

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Katherine Ruonala has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally as a conference speaker, bringing a message of love and hope to the nations. Katherine carries a strong, prophetic and miracle anointing, with many experiencing instant healing in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of believers to go deeper in their relationship with God.


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