
Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘New Righteous Leaders Shall Be Put in Place’

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Donna Rigney

Read Time: 4 Minutes 14 Seconds

On Jan. 3, 2023, Father spoke a very encouraging word to me about 2023:

“Many difficult days have My children seen; these are truly behind you. I am showing up on the scene to rescue My children, as I have done repeatedly from the beginning of time.”

While the Lord was speaking this word to me, I remembered reading in the book of Judges about how, many times, the people turned from God; and after years of rebellion, they repented and cried out for His help. He heard their cries and gave them good judges, and restored them. I knew He was reminding me of those days and how similar they are to our days now.

He continued, “If My children cry out to Me, and truly turn to Me, then I arise and scatter their enemies. This is the hour you are entering into: New righteous leaders shall be put in place, and I will conquer those who tried to lead My children astray.

“Exposure after exposure will come in the days and years ahead. Eyes that were blind to the truth shall be opened! Truth and freedom do walk together, hand-in-hand.

“Freedom from tyranny and oppression are coming very soon. Just as accidents come without warning and suddenly, I will come on the scene suddenly, without warning, and turn every evil thing upside down for My children to see. Things are being set in place for this event behind the scenes, but just because they are not apparent doesn’t mean they aren’t being planned right now. I am determined to rescue My children, both the very young and the elderly—all ages!

“Your enemies are cruel taskmasters, and they will reap the cruelty that they [have] sown and dished out mercilessly to My people. ‘Stunned’ will be the word people use to describe the feeling they will get as the truth is revealed. These stunned ones will run to Us for comfort and the reassurance that all will be turned around, and justice and righteousness will be restored.

“What they believed for many years will prove to be false. Decisions they made, based on these lies, will be regretted. This will be the assignment of My bride when this exposure occurs: to bring comfort and solace to the downtrodden—to lead them into My waiting arms, where all will be restored. They will resist the temptation to point fingers and accuse these victims of refusing to listen when they were warned repeatedly. My faithful children will follow Me and My ways to bring restoration and healing. Reconciliation will be easily granted and warmly accepted.

“We will fulfill the promise I made in 2 Chronicles 7:13-16 to heal your land in 2023 and beyond. So much damage has been done. It will take time to restore all, but it will happen quicker than you think!”

Confirming Scripture: “Then Jesus told him, ‘I have come into the world to give sight to those who are spiritually blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind’“ (John 9:39, TLB).

Testimony of Five People Having Their Eyes Healed

Days after receiving this impacting word, people began having their eyesight restored during our gatherings. During a Sunday morning service, a woman came forward and declared that she’d had a black line going down her left eye. It was gone, but she still couldn’t see out of her right eye. By the end of the service, her right eye was healed too. No one prayed over her. God just healed her during worship.

The second person who was healed came to the altar and asked for Delora O’Brien to pray for her at The Gathering, which was held at our church in Bunnell, Florida, on Jan. 7, 2023. She didn’t ask for prayer for her eyes but for something else. A short while

later, after The Gathering had ended, while still in the church, she began calling out to Pastor James and told him she could see his face. Previously, she couldn’t see faces—just outlines of people. She looked about the room and began calling out to people that she could see them. She was filled with joy!

The last three people that were healed were in attendance at our Friday night Glory Gathering on Jan. 13, 2023. At the end of the first two and a half hours of prayer, each one asked for the microphone and told everyone that they could see very clearly and didn’t need their glasses. No one prayed for them, nor did we pray for eyes to be healed. We were praying as we usually do during our time of intercession. We prayed for our nation, for the world, for godly leaders, for justice, for Donald Trump to be restored, for worldwide revival, for eyes to be opened to the truth…

God healed each one of these five people’s eyes sovereignly in His glory! These healings are a prophetic sign that God will fulfill His promise to open those eyes that are blind to the truth.

For the rest of this prophetic word, visit our content partners at elijahlist.com.

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Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, “Divine Encounters” and “The Glory of God Revealed,” detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna’s heart’s desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.

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