Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Is This the Final Chapter of Humanity?

I had the privilege of meeting two members of the Ukrainian Parliament while I was working in Washington, D.C. Tommye and I entertained them in our apartment for two hours. They contacted me specifically because I was known as a pastor who worked to advance Christianity in government, and they were both Christians.

I will never forget the tenderness of their hearts nor the steel in their spines to advance a righteous agenda in their country, known for its graft and corruption. I can only wonder what they are doing today with Russian tanks rumbling through their country and missiles raining down on their loved ones.

What we see unfolding in the Ukraine may be the beginning of the final chapter of humanity. This is a time when all of God’s children should fall on their faces and cry out to a holy God, repenting for our willful rebellion of His laws and ways.

God has a prophetic time clock, or as I like to think of it, a prophetic combination lock with three rows of tumblers. The unique thing about a combination lock is that even when all three roles of tumblers are aligned, it still appears to be secure—until the owner applies the slightest touch to the heavy part of the lock, and suddenly it reveals all that has been locked away.

Equally unique is the security of the lock when two tumblers are aligned and the third is only one digit from being aligned. It remains as secure as when all three are disarrayed. Everything must be in place for the lock to be released and, today, it appears everything continues as it always has, but for the discerning we know that the end is near.

Tumbler No. 1 has to do with the state of the church when Jesus returns. The Scripture speaks of a huge falling way and a general lukewarmness spoken of in Revelation 3. Clearly, we are there as wokeness seems to be choking out the life of the church as pastors are increasingly embracing a false theology.

Tumbler No. 2 has to do with the nation of Israel. In my lifetime, we have gone from no Israel and over 6 million exterminated by a madman in Europe to Israel becoming one of the most powerful nations in the world. There is no explanation for that phenomenon apart from a holy God. Scripture says the era that sees Israel restored to her rightful place among the nations will not pass away until all things be restored.

The third tumbler has to do with the state of the nations when Jesus returns. It speaks of power to the north and power to the east. Russia and China fill that prophecy and could well be the final tumbler being aligned.

In my podcast, I address these unique moments in history and what they mean for America and the world. I strongly suggest you listen and pass it along to your friends.

Even so … come, Lord Jesus! {eoa}

Recover America exists to equip and mobilize pastors and their congregations to engage in the civil arena, providing biblical solutions to today’s most pressing issues. Recover America is a nondenominational ministry, representing all churches united in their commitment to the lordship of Christ and His call to believers from every faith persuasion to join our mission to take Jesus into the civil arena and provide biblical solutions to practical problems. We believe the Bible speaks to every area of life and that pastors are the key to a Third Great Awakening.

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