Beware the Beast: The Subtle—and Often Ignored—Monster That Seeks to Devour Us

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Blake Lorenz

Secular humanism is the reflection of Satan. It is a monster that seeks to devour us.

This beast from the sea can be a roaring lion or disguised as an angel of light. This doctrine of evil replaces God with man. Seduction and lies are its means of destruction.

I have seen it like a python encircling the globe, squeezing the life out of humanity in its normalization of sin. Our leaders bow to it and welcome it into our classrooms, homes and places of worship. The altars of abortion sacrifice to its logic and reason the babies of our heritage.

Drug addiction deadens lives and draws men and women and children into its pit of sex trafficking and idolatry. Sexual perversion entices us into the web of death, ruining our marriages and family structure.

Secular humanism comes to rob, steal and kill us. Our eternal destiny is robbed from the multitudes. It steals from us the truth and laws of God. Its ways seem right, but they lead to death. Like the Frankenstein monster, it destroys all those who created it and all their beloved.

Its trail of wickedness can be traced to Babylon and throughout human history, beginning with the very first sin in the Garden of Eden. It planted rebellion into our hearts so we desire to be our own gods. The technology of our inventions has become the new tower of Babel, our gateway to become gods.

This beast has its false prophet in the philosophies of men. These have become the vehicles of journalism, media and education. You read of its evil in the book of Revelation. It will consume Babylon and be defeated by Jesus. Its destiny is the lake of fire. In its evil scheme it will take kings and armies, the titans of business, educators, free and slave, merchants and every level of society into eternal separation from God.

We, as followers of Jesus, are called to do battle against this mighty foe daily. Put on the full armor of God, which is Jesus, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, grounded in the Word and motivated in love to make disciples of all nations. Prepare the way, for the King is coming. The return of Jesus is imminent.

Beware and do not be deceived in these troubling times. Jesus said we would live in these last days in an age of deception. Secular humanism is the idol and beast of this age. Come out of Babylon and follow Jesus with all of your heart, devotion and loyalty, for He is the way, the truth and the life.

Our hope is in Jesus alone. We have the victory!

I wrote these words as I sat in Jerusalem experiencing the prophecies of Jesus firsthand. The war for global domination is reaching a fever pitch. The nations will gather against Israel. God will protect her and all the followers of Jesus. We have been sealed with His mark as He brings judgments against the followers of the beast.

They will not repent of their murders, drug addictions, sexual immorality and thefts. We are seeing the spirit of murder spread throughout the world in mass killings, abortions, war, plague and the soon-coming famine predicted to kill 29 million people in the next year.

The four horsemen are riding hard and fast. The four winds of Revelation have been released to bring God’s spiritual judgment on all who reject Jesus and His covenant people. Satan knows His time is almost over. He makes war on the Jews and Christians. His greatest weapon is secular humanism. {eoa}

Blake Lorenz has pastored in the Orlando area for 34 years and has been blessed with the opportunity to evangelize globally, visiting five continents and preaching the gospel to tens of thousands. Blake has also helped plant 500 churches. He has been working in Israel for the past 20 years, including serving on the board of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in connection with the Knesset. In 2020, and the Awaken podcast launched to teach and challenge others to join Blake on a journey of anticipating the return of Jesus. He has used the three books he’s written in his seminars and conferences. He and his wife, Beverly, share three children and six grandchildren.

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