A Dream Within a Dream: Possessing Your Supernatural Victory

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Agnes Ebedi

I had a powerful encounter a few weeks ago—an intense dream within a dream—and the Father gave me an urgent message for the body of Christ. In my dream, I went to sleep and had a dream; I saw large white military tanks. They were pointed toward a city, and it looked as though they were about to fire on it.

When I woke up into my first dream, I began to ponder the meaning of this. Still dreaming, I went to one of my spiritual leaders, a powerful prophetic voice in our generation, Nate Johnston. I asked him what the meaning of that dream could be. He began to share with me that he had had the exact dream recently and had written a word about it on the Elijah List. He stated that the interpretation of this dream was that the enemy had been planning an attack against the body of Christ to silence the church, but what the enemy intended for evil, God would turn around for good.

As I listened intently to Johnston in this dream, he began speaking to me firmly, telling me to share this word with the body of Christ to prepare it with the strategy to possess the victory.

When I received this instruction, I immediately took a step forward in the dream and discovered that I was holding a physical copy of an article from the Elijah List in my hand; it was an article written by one of the prophetic generals of faith whom I love and honor, Lana Vawser.

Calling in the Harvest

In this article, Lana was sharing that the attack of the enemy against the body of Christ had been defeated and that this was harvest season.

As I read her article, my heart leaped with joy! I looked around me and suddenly I was standing in a large, beautiful wheat field that was covered in harvest. Immediately I looked again, and I was taken into a series of gatherings of believers of all different sizes. They were lifting their voices and calling in the harvest. They were calling in the harvest of souls and they were calling in their personal harvest for good seeds that had been sown in past seasons.

I woke up from this phenomenal encounter and immediately sensed in my spirit that the prophetic generals whom I saw in my dream were representatives of Holy Spirit’s voice and instruction to His people in this hour. I spent a week before the Father and began to pray about exactly what this word meant and how I should share it with the body of Christ.

Your Mega Harvest Season Is Imminent

One day, during my prayer time, the Father gave me the interpretation of this dream and the word that I should share with His people. I heard the Spirit of God say, “Agnes, announce to My people that their mega harvest season is imminent! Yes, the enemy has a plot to attempt to destroy, but I have a plan, and they shall not be destroyed!

“Many have felt intense seasons of pressure and battle in this last season. Many have struggled with feelings of weariness and fatigue. Many have struggled with the feeling of wanting to give up and a sense of foreboding about the future. Many have wrestled with the thought of not speaking what I have said because of the battles they have encountered in the past season.

Lift Up Your Voice and Reap with Shouts of Joy!

“But speak!” saith the Lord. “Lift up your voice! For indeed the plans of the enemy against My people shall not stand. This year, the forces that have attempted to silence the voices of My people shall be defeated as they lift up their voices. A new day is dawning. Just as in the beautiful green field of harvest, My field is ripe for the harvest. Many souls shall come into My kingdom this year. Many who have sown in tears in past seasons shall now reap with shouts of joy. I have not forgotten! I will not forget! The good seeds sown in past seasons shall now reap a bountiful harvest of blessings!”

To the Ministers Who Have Become Weary

To ministers who have become weary in this season, I hear the Father say, “I am not unrighteous! I will not forget your work and your labor of love which you have shown in My name, as you have ministered and do minister to My people” (see Heb. 6:10).

To the Entrepreneurs

To entrepreneurs, I hear the Father say, “Watch Me explode your revenue and resources to build My kingdom and finance the harvest.”

To the Families Who Have Been Under Attack

To families who have been under attack, watch Me release My peace to calm the storm. I arise to fight for you in this season, and you shall hold your peace. I arise to give you back the years that the enemy has stolen, and you shall be restored. I arise to renew you, and you shall be strengthened. A second wind of strength is coming to you to release your word with boldness in this season and see the plans of the enemy defeated, because of the power of your declaration!


“Speak! Speak with accuracy, speak with boldness, speak with courage, speak without fear of retaliation. Release My Word! Prophesy to the seasons of battle and command them to come to an end, and I will back you up every time. Prophesy to every storm and command it to be still. Prophesy to the bones that have become dry and command life to come again. Prophesy to the promises that died prematurely and command them to come back to life. You can prophesy!

“Place a demand on heaven for the immediate release of the harvest. Prophesy against delay and command it to break. Prophesy to the glass ceilings and command them to shatter. Prophesy to the nations that do not know Me and command them to open up to My Word. Prophesy to the mountains of influence and command them to bow to My authority.

“Your promotion is imminent as you gain new mastery and command of your voice. As you declare My Word, it is like fire—like a hammer that shatters the rocks in pieces. I am building My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. I will use the united voice of My people in this season as they release it louder to bring an end to battles that have plagued cities and nations for long seasons.

“Release your voice and command the harvest to be released. Release your voice and command the battle to come to an end! Release your voice, and your victory is guaranteed,” says the Spirit of God! {eoa}

This article originally appeared on The Elijah List.

Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong prophetic anointing. Her vision is to see people all across the globe encounter the person, presence and power of God. Believing that nothing is impossible with God, she has a strong passion to infuse believers with supernatural faith that enables them to experience all God has ordained for them. Agnes is a mentor and teacher in the Grow network, Nate and Christy Johnston’s prophetic school. She also speaks and ministers at churches and conferences across the United States, including her home church, Ramp Church, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, pastored by Andrew and Brooke Towe.

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