Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Morning Rundown: Unmasking False Prophets With Mario Murillo

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Unmasking False Prophets With Mario Murillo

One of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of prophecy. The new testament is full of stories about prophecy. Paul foretold his own arrest, and he teaches the early church that they must test prophecy.

With the modern Pentecostal/charismatic renewal came the resurgence of the gifts, and in the past few decades a prophetic movement has developed. Men like Bishop Bill Hammond and the late Peter Wagner were well known for teaching on the prophetic and the importance in the life of the church.

In my new book Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World I have an entire chapter about this and give examples of how modern-day prophets have made a huge difference. I also tell some stories of where I’ve been prophesied to or have seen prophecies come true, one of which was the prophecy by Kim Clement that someone like Donald Trump would be elected president for two terms.  My book God and Donald Trump was my effort to document those prophecies that came true with Trump’s election in 2016.

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Is It From God? 3 Ways to Discern if It’s the Holy Spirit

It seems as though no matter where you go or turn to, someone always has an opinion or unsolicited advice to give. We see them on social media, news and blogs, and it can be easy to get caught up into what others have to say about our lives.

But what about God?

How can we know if the Holy Spirit is speaking to us? God’s voice tends to be much quieter and softer than the noise of the world. And unfortunately, there are some very real spiritual forces vying for our attention. Scripture says that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but rather we war against principalities and powers. While God can and does speak to us in many different ways, there are a few keys that we can use to discern if something is from God or if it’s from another spirit.

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What Are the Mysteries of the Prophetic Anointing?

The times in which we are now living are unlike any the world has ever known. There is an escalation in the intensity of spiritual battle in the heavenlies. Every nation on the planet is caught up in the prophetic unfolding of the end times before our very eyes. In these daunting days, in this prophetic climate, there has been an overabundance of people claiming to have a prophetic word to share, a warning or a decree that they say comes from God.

There is much today that is called prophetic that is not prophetic. So many voices in the world today claim to be prophetic voices, so many people claim to be prophets, but most of these do not even understand the office of the prophet, let alone have the anointing of God to hold such an office.

Many are believers who have simply been misled about the anointing of the prophet, the gift of prophecy and the office of the prophet, if they have been taught about such things at all. You need a true understanding of the prophetic realms, and true understanding starts with the safe and secure foundation of the Scriptures.

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