God Heals Polio

In the summer of 1948 I was diagnosed with polio. At 8 years old, with no strength in my arms or legs, I was placed in bed and told not to try to walk or move around.

Because polio was contagious, no friends were allowed to visit me. I would lie in bed, listening to the radio and wondering what had happened to me.

That year in school my teacher had told us about Jesus. She said that whenever we were lonely or afraid, we should talk to Him because He is always there.

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Will You Believe?

Three years ago, after a biopsy on my left tonsil, I was diagnosed with cancer. Because of the location of the tumor, my doctor recommended radiation therapy rather than removal.

If the procedure failed to decrease the size of the tumor, radical, disfiguring surgery was proposed as the next step. According to man’s report, there was not much of a choice, but I knew God’s Word said, “By His stripes we are healed” (Is. 53:5, NKJV).

During the radiation treatments, I continued to seek the Lord. Each night I would lie awake and spend hours just listening to Him.

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