Instrument of God’s Perfection

Julia A.J. Foote was the fourth child born to devout Christian parents in Schenectady, New York, in 1823. When she was 10, her parents, who were former slaves, sent her to live with and work for a wealthy white couple.

This couple acted as Julia’s patrons and enrolled her in an integrated country school, where she received a basic education. In 1836 she rejoined her family.

At age 15, Julia accepted Jesus as her Savior and joined an African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church. Although she was filled with the joy that accompanied her conversion, Julia felt defeated in her Christian life.

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From Islam to Christianity

Although my mother grew up in the church, she joined the Nation of Islam in the early 1970s. The news was heartbreaking to my grandmother, who was a woman of enduring faith.

Mama Birdie’s natural eyes saw her daughter and grandchildren as Nation of Islam members, but her spiritual eyes looked through the mountain of Islam and saw us as born-again Christians on the other side.

My grandmother sowed good seed into our hearts. Then she allowed her faith to work by loving us and believing God for the harvest of our salvation. Her love enabled her to endure more than 10 years of witnessing her daughter and grandchildren living as Muslims.

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