The same week Jonathan Cahn and his wife welcomed their new son into the world, New York passed a horrific bill that would allow abortion up until birth.
“To kill a child in its mother’s womb is evil,” Cahn says. “To kill a child in his mother’s womb up until the time of its birth is beyond evil.”
To celebrate, New York lit up One World Trade Center in pink.
“If you’ve read The Harbinger, you know that the World Trade Center is one of the nine harbingers in the biblical pattern of judgment,” Cahn says. “A tower represents a nation, a civilization at its height and also it is the pride, it is the embodiment of the nation.”
Watch the video as Cahn explains the prophetic significance of the laws passed in New York and beyond, from abortion to infanticide. He also explains the mystery of the towers and how it all points to Baal.
“The central key is that as America falls away from God, it’s following the pattern of ancient Israel in its fall away from God,” Cahn says. “And one of the signs in the fall of ancient Israel was the worship of the god Baal, to whom they offered up their babies. We are watching now that same spirit.”
Watch the video to see more.