July-August 2022

  • What’s Behind the Bad Press About Hillsong?

    What’s Behind the Bad Press About Hillsong?

    Hillsong. For years, what most people outside Australia thought of when they heard that word was music—and small wonder. Hillsong isn’t just big in terms of Christian music. As one of Australia’s biggest music exporters, it’s big in terms of all music. According to Christian Copyright Licensing International, more than 50 million people per week

  • Who Is Behind Today’s Transgender Movement?

    Who Is Behind Today’s Transgender Movement?

    America’s culture war heated up after Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, signed the Parental Rights Law, which prohibits the teaching of gender identity or sexual orientation to kids from kindergarten to third grade. The bill had broad support from parents, who believe teachers have no business talking to grade schoolers about sex. But some Disney employees

  • Gen Z Evangelist Brian Barcelona—How the COVID shutdown led to a digital missions movement

    Gen Z Evangelist Brian Barcelona—How the COVID shutdown led to a digital missions movement

    On Friday, March 13, 2020, Brian Barcelona was watching the news when he heard the life-altering report that the entire Los Angeles Unified District was shutting down due to COVID-19. Immediately. “There was almost an end-of-the-world feeling about it,” he says. “Everything I had built for a decade was shut down in one day.” Barcelona

  • Get Out of Your Pit and Into Your Dream

    Get Out of Your Pit and Into Your Dream

    Have you ever been stuck? Have you ever hit a place in life that seemed like a dead end … like you no longer had any options? I’ve been there many times, and I’m sure most people have. But I am so grateful that over the years God has taught me that even when we

  • From Rejected to Rescued, Horror to Hope

    From Rejected to Rescued, Horror to Hope

    Jesus knew what it was to suffer pain, disgrace and humiliation. He was part of a despised, largely impoverished minority in a world where Roman power and Greek wisdom were the prototypes for what it meant to be human. The writer of Hebrews states clearly that it was suffering that enabled Jesus to fulfill His

  • Lessons from the Hillsong Controversy

    Forty-seven years ago this month Charisma became “the magazine on Spirit-Led Living,” in the heyday of the charismatic movement. Each week we learned of outpourings of the Holy Spirit on a new church or denomination. It was an exciting time to report what the Spirit was doing in the world—something few other journalists were doing.

  • How to Escape  the Anxiety Trap

    How to Escape the Anxiety Trap

    Ever notice that after going through a stressful or difficult event, you sometimes end up with a terrible cold? Or that your propensity for migraines or annoying backaches can show up after a demanding day at work, worry over the health of a loved one or a tense conversation with your teen? If you’ve identified

  • Ministry Pain & Ministry Joy

    Ministry Pain & Ministry Joy

    Some people think that going into full-time ministry will shield them from pain. If only! Not only did I have to learn to let God reset my broken bones in everyday life; I had to let Him reset the breaks that came in the realm of ministry, which is its own special kind of battleground.

  • Have We Entered the Beginning of the End Times?

    Have We Entered the Beginning of the End Times?

    In 2012, the Lord gave me five stages that our nation and the world will have to go through to reach the Tribulation and realize the full kingdom of God. Stage One: Confusion “Disaster has come for you who live in the land! The time has come; the day of confusion is near. There will

  • A Bright and Shining Light

    A Bright and Shining Light

    Images of executed civilians, mass graves and bombed-out hospitals have dominated the news alongside mounting evidence of widespread war crimes since Vladimir Putin launched his genocidal war against Ukraine on Thursday, Feb. 24. War is a devil’s banquet of violence and brutality. This war is no exception as Russian soldiers rape, torture and murder their

  • Tasting of His Goodness

    Tasting of His Goodness

    As we’ve surpassed the halfway point of 2022, the tendency for most is to coast and embrace the way things are with their year. I’ve been to the gym multiple times when there was not a single person there working out and continuing their pursuit of those special new year’s resolutions. Those once precious goals,

  • Are You Shackled by Your Sins? Break Free Now!

    Are You Shackled by Your Sins? Break Free Now!

    I make a point in my ministry of ensuring that believers are aware of the very real battle we are in against the enemy of our souls, the devil, and encouraging them to take authority over him in their lives. I also stress the fact that they must be right with God in order to

  • Do You Have Dynamic Holy Spirit Power?

    Do You Have Dynamic Holy Spirit Power?

    If you’ve ever been to church or Sunday school or read the Bible, you’re familiar with the miracles Jesus did while He was on earth. We know that not everything He did is recorded in the Word, but the Gospels make it clear that His ministry included such amazing feats as raising the dead, healing

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