What True Repentance Does to Your Bodily Health

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Nothing tastes as good as obedience. We are always focused on what to eat and when to eat. We are trying to lose weight, but all we do is think about food. We are looking for the magic cure that melts the fat. Believe me, if it was out there I would have seen it. I spent several years looking for the easy way out.

One day I had a reality check. I was visiting someone, and when I was in her study, I looked up and saw a sign that said, “The devil wants you fat!” When I saw that, I began to weep. I hate the devil. I had seen his work in the lives of people I loved, destroying them with drugs and alcohol. I repented and said, “Lord, please forgive me for not taking care of my body—the body that is created in Your image, the body that You fearfully and wonderfully formed in my mother’s womb” (see Ps. 139:13).

This was a moment that brought repentance and an awareness that I was responsible and accountable for the care of my body. You can acknowledge that you were wrong but not repent. “Repentance” is defined as the action of repenting, sincere regret or remorse. If you truly regret something, your behavior is going to change. You will have the desire to change. Repentance is from the spirit within which affects your behavior. True repentance is believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth (Rom. 10:9).

Information tells us the need to change, but the power to change comes from the One who created us. There is a power greater than your taste buds.

As I pondered what had happened, I said, “Lord, I need a word from You.” Daniel 10:19 says, “He said, ‘O man, greatly beloved, do not fear. Peace be unto you. Be strong and courageous!’ When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, ‘Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.'”  

One day in my daily devotions I heard the whisper of His voice, “Break the habit!” I knew immediately what He was talking about―my food habit. I found that breaking a habit was not as easy as I thought. The Lord began to lead me to certain people and books that brought answers to my problem. I was encouraged. I had lost 15 pounds.

Again, I heard the whisper, “Fasting is the gateway to the supernatural.” I have to admit that I had never been big into fasting. My taste buds rebelled at that! I studied fasting in the Word of God and was led to a book by Marilyn Hickey on fasting, which I highly recommend. When the time was right I went on a 10-day fast. During this time, the Lord spoke and told me that I had been judgmental toward others addicted to drugs and alcohol. At first, I thought, “No way.” Then He spoke to me: “You are addicted to food.” Again, the tears came, and I repented. I had not purposely set out to become addicted to food, but because I had not read labels and studied about nutrition, I didn’t realize that food manufacturers added ingredients to keep their customers coming back.

When the fast ended, I began to study about nutrition. I lost two pounds a week for another 60 pounds and hit a plateau. I have lost a total of 90 pounds.

It is not about the weight loss; it is about obedience, and nothing tastes as good as obedience. Job 36:11 tells us, “If they obey and serve Him, they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures.”  That is where I want to live!

We are instructed to serve the Lord with our whole spirit, soul and body (1 Thess. 5:23). We live in a sight and sound world, so we have a tendency to focus on what we see. Taking care of your body is just as important as your spirit and soul (your mind, will and emotions).

My lifestyle caught up with me. I had not eaten the proper food nor did I get the proper rest and did not take time relaxing. When we are weary in our body, we are open for disease and vulnerable in our soul, which affects our spirit.

I’m so thankful for my wake-up call and that God loved me enough to speak to me and guide me on a journey of wellness—spirit, soul and body. Believe me, I know that nothing tastes as sweet as obedience! {eoa}

Joyce Tilney is the founder of Women of God Ministry, teaching women today from women of yesterday. Her book and workbook, Why Diets Don’t Work, Food Is Not the Problem, is available from her website: whydiet.com. To learn more about Women of God go to: wogministries.com

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